Thursday, December 12, 2024

Hey Dems: take a clue from Moscow Mitch

Yes, I mean Moscow Mitch McConnell.  And yes, I detest the man as I am certain most of you do.  He is one of the most destructive politicians of our lives.  But, he is also a master politician.

What did Mitch set as his goal when Obama was elected?  To make him a one term president.  While he was not truly successful in that, he accomplished a lot of defeats and delays for O, finally the coup de grace with the failed SCOTUS nomination.

I hear a lot of Dems talking about how bad Trump may be, but that they are perfectly willing to cooperate on good policies.  No, no, no, and no. You swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, and Donald J. Trump is just such an enemy. 

Yes, he as duly elected but it does not change the fact that he will make efforts to destroy our government by hook or by crook, by actions large and small.  DO. NOT. COOPERATE.  That is appeasement and normalization.  Your job is to protect our government by loudly and strongly calling out his every single evil action and working to undermine his efforts.  

There are already plenty, especially his billionaire incompetents and budding grift and graft.  Sure, if a bill lands on your desk that is good for Duhmerikans you can vote for it, but don’t go out first and say how willing you are to help.  Stop being the nice guys and start being the sand in the gears and the voice for saving America.

Who is our leader who will do this? While I know that some Dem governors are going to try Trump proof their states, who will do this for the nation?  Anyone?  Who is the leader of the Dems at this point? 

Some old sins recalled here, but Moscow Mitch hasn't changed his stripes one bit since those halcyon days.  He just freezes and falls down more nowadays. 

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