Friday, May 24, 2024

Mar-A-Lago Top Secret Docs causing deaths

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Adam Moss is widely considered one of the great magazine editors of his generation, remaking and reshaping The New York Times and New York magazine into the most significant print and digital publications of our time.)

The CIA has now traced deaths of U.S. agents and informants to the top secret documents that were openly displayed at Trump’s home. These top secret documents were left literally everywhere at Mar A Lago, including in open boxes in his ballroom for guests and spies to read like magazines at a doctor's office.

These documents are so dangerous to people and our country that they must only be read in special rooms and only by people with the highest clearances.

Yet U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, the Trump appointee who is the assigned judge in the stolen documents case, is so biased and unqualified that she said this frivolous case should not even come before her, and she is doing whatever she can to delay it until after the November election. 

This case, of all the Trump cases, is the most important. No telling how many people will be killed by Trump’s careless actions or how much closer he has brought our country to losing superiority on the battlefield.

On stage for all to see in his large ballroom.

So why would Trump do this? Sociopaths don’t care about others or about consequences, only themselves.

Sociopath: a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Those with these antisocial personality disorders tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack any regard for their own safety or the safety of others.  

Doesn't that sound like Trump?

Given the behavior of judges like Cannon and Supreme Court Justices like Thomas and Alito, our only recourse is to vote Trump and his MAGA Republicans out of office.  If they prevail in the fall elections, there is a very real possibility that you will have no control over your life, your body, your rights, your freedom, your democracy.

MAGA Republicans thrive on obstruction, division, and hate. 

A donation to Trump is a donation to his lawyers, not to his campaign. When you give a "billionaire" your money, you are only hurting yourself.

And a vote for Trump or for his MAGA lackeys is a vote against democracy.  Trump has said as much, and we best take him at his word.

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