Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fox News take the wheel: Trump repeatedly falls asleep during criminal court trial!

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Trump arrives early and prepared for his next day in court!  

Cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz for Comics

Dozo the Clown takes center stage as hush money trial begins Monday

By sepiasiren


Daily Kos

Where’s Dr. Feel Good when yah need him?

Actually, they called him the Candy Man, and of course, I am referencing the crooked Quack who tried to convince us that Trump was a swimsuit model, Rep. Ronny Jackson, of Texas. As was told, Jackson was the White House physician to Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump before he left in 2018 and he was a bit too foot loose and fancy free when it came to doling out meds.

Uppers, downers, in-betweeners—you name it, bruh was handing them out like PEZ from a dispenser (if you under the age of 20, Google “Pez”). Interestingly enough, Trump thinks Biden should take a drug test prior to any debates—can we say “projection?”

Roofie Ronnie has of course, gone on the record to deny all allegations, but I am not gonna trust a man who tried to convince us that someone like Donald Trump and Pierce Brosnan are one in the same.

Not having easy access to stimulants—and maybe too many rage boner binges on Truth Social, have taken their toll—left Trumpy without a way to stay alert during his first criminal trial, which began today in Manhattan.

Long and short—dude fell asleep. Let me repeat that: He. Fell. Asleep.

And they call Biden Sleepy Joe?

The overuse of the term unprecedented when it comes to Donald Trump is, well, unprecedented.

But seriously, have we ever had to contend with an elected official who as unapologetically crooked and debauched at Donald J. Trump? Obviously not at the highest level of office in the land, excluding even Nixon of all people, comparatively.

Which is why most of us wised up and Donald Trump is currently un-presidented…see what I did there? HA!

Judge Juan Merchan

Now Trump done went and shown an even greater disdain for American Jurisprudence and the rule of law for falling asleep in court. Come on, Trump campaign, someone has to be the adult in the room and take Trumpy’s iPad away from him before bed.

I do it to my teenage son all the time.

Will MAGA come to the rescue?

As pointed out in the above Midas Touch video, soon after the news of Trumpy courtroom naptime hit the airwaves, the hashtag #SleepyDon began trending on X. Of course, MAGA freaks are going to holler that this is fake news, but I think some media outlets may spin this as how strong he is in the face of peril—like they did when he looked up at a solar eclipse.

Instead of touting that as a foolhardy example of what not to do, Conservative news outlets declared Trump’s act of looking up at the eclipse “brave.” One wonders how many others “blindly” followed his lead during the recent solar event?

Somebody call the hospitals in every Red State, stat!

Anyhoo, Mr. Vigor reportedly fell asleep during his criminal election interference trial (it’s not a hush money trial.) The act of falling asleep shows an even deeper disdain for the law than I would have thought even Donnie capable of, especially after a string of losses—but then, why am I surprised?

Yahoo News quote below:

Donald Trump appeared to fall asleep in court on the first day of his hush money case as he became the first US president to stand criminal trial.

Mr Trump seemingly dozed off on Monday morning in the New York courtroom as his lawyers clashed with prosecutors over what evidence would be admissible.

The former president has been charged with falsifying business records ahead of the 2016 election to cover up a $130,000 (£104,000) payment made to Stormy Daniels, an adult film star.

See how Yahoo correctly references the criminal act as falsifying business records ahead of trial in the article but all of MSM calls it the hush money trial?

It’s willful. Fricking MSM.

To that end, I can already see headlines the New York Times Pitchbot could write: Donald Trump thumbed his nose as the Judge in his Manhattan trial by falling asleep! Bravo Trump—what a guy!”

Hell, there are some MAGA folks likely already saying a variation of this or claiming this didn’t even happen—which is why cameras in the court room would be helpful, but I digress.

Reportedly, Trump fell asleep during jury instructions, because of course he did. I wonder if he snored?

This is a developing story that I am sure will only get weirder as time treks along, in the interim, stay true and stay blue.

Cartoon by Nick Anderson

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