Saturday, March 16, 2024

MUST READ: Trump’s not making much sense lately, and AI isn’t to blame

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A genuine, unaltered image of Donald Trump grabbing a flag "by the pussy," as he puts it so delicately.

By Hunter for Daily Kos

Daily Kos Staff 

Donald Trump graced the conspiracy-spouting Newsmax with his doughy rage on Wednesday, and let's just say the interview won't be tamping down on speculation that his wordsmithing abilities—which were always spotty to begin with—are now crumbling before our very eyes. 

Speaking with interviewer Greg Kelly, Trump waxed philosophic about why Hillary Clinton, um, apparently set off a weapon of mass destruction when "acid testing" her phones?

And the rest of the interview was just as bizarre.

What a masterful performance. From Kelly's ultrasycophantic "Is it lonely at the top?" framing to Trump's incoherent, barely-stream-of-consciousness answers, this really does capture the full feel of living in an authoritarian country where nobody is allowed to point out that Dear Leader fell off his rocker years ago and everyone must nod enthusiastically, no matter what absurdities come out of his word-hole.

There's the portion in which Trump claims he has been treated worse than any other president ever:

I don't care, Andrew Jackson or anybody else, nobody has tr—when you think of the fake things, nobody's been treated like Trump, in terms of badly. Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, everything was a scam.

Nobody's been treated like Trump in terms of badly, he says. That's a bit too long to embroider onto a hat, but it would probably make a decent bumper sticker slogan. 

Trump 2024: Nobody's Been Treated Like Him In Terms Of Badly."

We should note here that multiple presidents have been assassinated while in office but that hardly counts as hardship compared to the rudenesses Trump has endured, says Trump, in terms of Badly.

But things go completely off the rails after that masterful turn of phrase. And you have to admire the resolute look plastered on Kelly’s face as the host appears to slowly realize he's sitting next to an absolute wackadoo who may or may not, at any point in the interview, suddenly demand the right to flay him and eat his face.

But by the way, they released Hillary Clinton. She hammered her phones. She used, uh, all sorts of acid testing on everything else, they call it, uh, bleach bit, but it's essentially acid that will destroy everything, you know, within 10 miles. I mean what she did was unbelievable.

He's right—it is unbelievable. It's also complete gibberish. Just off-the-wall bizarre, from "acid testing" to "hammered" to supposed zones of destruction.

Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens to Bill Clinton, he took it out in his socks, you know there was a famous socks case, which he actually ended up winning.

There are so many things wrong with that sentence that there's no room to list them all, but there were no classified docs in the Bill Clinton case, nobody took anything out in their socks, and Trump's version of events appears to be a case of full-on mushbrain.

Now, Donald Trump has never been an honest man, or a particularly coherent one. His memory has always been selective and, let's just say, wildly imaginative. But at some point we have to ask ourselves whether his recent performances stretch into something measurably worse than what we've seen in previous years.

Those supercuts of Trump's recent gaffes were so humiliating for Donald that he was quick to lie to his Truth Social fans that "Artificial Intelligence was used by them against me in their videos of me." Nope, those were all real, genuine Trump performances, according to an analysis by Gizmodo.

It's a mystery why Trump's fans still consider him a macho strongman figure who’s smarter than anyone else on the planet, but maybe this stuff sounds like genius-level oration to the average MAGA voter. The rest of us, though? We're a bit worried about you, Donald. Your ability to string coherent thoughts together appears to be doing not well, in terms of badly.

"Nobody's been treated like Trump, in terms of badly," sayeth the Donald.

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