Sunday, March 10, 2024

Mitch McConnell endorses guy he hates

Maybe this is the connection between Mitch and Donnie.  They both cozy up to Papa Putin, who in turn helps them fix elections. 

By Kaili Joy Gray for Daily Kos

Daily Kos Staff

at 9:11:10a MST

On Wednesday, Donald Trump won the coveted yet unthinkably lackluster endorsement of a guy he’s been at war with for years, who happens to hate him right back.

"It is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States,” Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement. “It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support.”

Take a beat to recover from the overwhelming enthusiasm McConnell forced himself to muster for the man he held “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of [Jan. 6].”

Of course, the endorsement does not come as a surprise. It was reported just last month that the two teams were in talks to negotiate an endorsement because while the two men openly despise each other, at least they can agree that they also despise President Joe Biden. Awww, unity!

While Trump spent years demanding McConnell’s ouster from his leadership role and calling the Republican leader all kinds of charming little nicknames, like “RINO” and “absolute Loser,” now that McConnell has announced he’s stepping down in November, they can put all that hating-each-other messiness behind them. 

“During his Presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people including tax reform that supercharged our economy and a generational change of our federal judiciary - most importantly, the Supreme Court,” McConnell also said in his rousing endorsement statement. Because as much as he might despise Trump, he loves destroying democracy more.

And oh, such sweet, sweet memories of the destruction they wrought together, packing the judiciary with horribly unqualified, mostly white dudes and, of course, stealing a Supreme Court seat or two. 

Whether Trump will graciously accept McConnell’s endorsement or find some way to rub a bit more salt in the wound is anyone’s guess, but don’t hold your breath.

Remember this touching moment when Trump shared his "affection" for Moscow Mitch?  If two men ever deserved each other...

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