Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"Bloodbath" speech Trump's most senile to date


"The man has clearly reached the assisted living facility stage of his dementia."

Bill Palmer

| 9:09 am EDT March 17, 2024

Palmer Report


Blue Country Gazette Blog

Rim Country Gazette Blog

Yesterday Donald Trump gave a speech in which he claimed Joe Biden became President by defeating Barack Obama, whom he referred to as “Obaba.” Trump also insisted that he had a “largent” over Biden, before going off on an incoherent tangent about the Rolling Stones, trying and failing twice to say “Rolling Stones.”

It was one of Trump’s most senile speeches to date, providing soundbite after soundbite for convincing persuadable voters that Trump simply isn’t viable regardless of political ideology. Trump’s speech yesterday was about as close as you can come to a magic wand in terms of convincing conservatives to stay home instead of voting for Trump, and convincing moderates to vote for Biden instead of staying home.

And yet, even after Trump handed us all of these gifts to use against him, all that most people on our side could talk about was the fact that Trump used the word “bloodbath.” Why? Because it sounded scary. And most folks on our side just love feeling scared. Oh no, Trump said there will be a bloodbath if he loses. We’re doomed even if Biden wins!

Oh come on, get real. After Trump lost in 2020, the most violence he could conjure up was to have his goons storm the Capitol in bear suits.

The point of this is not to downplay January 6th. The point is that even when he was in office and was thus able to hold off federal law enforcement in order to help his goons, they were still only able to pull off the world’s most ineptly stupid terrorist attack.

So what exactly are we supposed to be worried about if Trump loses again in 2024? Who gives a damn. Trump’s base is tired. They didn’t do anything at all when Trump was indicted and arrested. They’re barely even showing up to his rallies anymore. And this time federal law enforcement and the National Guard will be exactly where they need to be.

Besides, even if someone is threatening a violent attack like Trump just did with his “bloodbath” rhetoric, the very last thing you want to do is cower to them. That just emboldens people like Trump and his goons to go bigger. If anything we should be laughing at these losers. Sure, the National Guard will be put in place after the 2024 election in case more of Trump’s base decides it wants to rot in prison with him. But we still need to laugh at these idiots, and laugh loudly, and laugh in their faces. Show them you’re not afraid of their threats, and they’ll be far less likely to try something.

But my real concern is that we continue to miss opportunity after opportunity while we’re busy looking for excuses to cower to Trump. The man has clearly reached the assisted living facility stage of his dementia. He just gave a “speech” that was so senile, we should buy airtime and play his own confused words on a loop. And yet the only thing that most folks on our side can take away from it is that he used violent rhetoric for the 4,932nd time? Who cares?

Donald Trump is at his absolute lowest in terms of power, influence, or intellect. He’s basically a zombie whose brain has died. He’s out there costing himself votes every time he speaks. He’s unwittingly handing us the kind of political soundbites that we can use to make him completely politically nonviable, if we actually put it to use. But if all we came away with from yesterday’s speech was his toothless use of the word “bloodbath,” and all we’re doing is cowering by talking about how he’s more dangerously powerful than ever, then all we’re doing is helping to prop him up.

Trump’s entire goal at this point is to be seen as dangerously powerful. It’s his only remaining hope of distracting everyone from the fact that he’s a clueless senile zombie. As long as we’re helping to play up Trump as being dangerously powerful, we’re basically working as his publicist. We truly need to stop doing this. The real takeaway from Trump’s speech yesterday is that he’s fully senile. Use that to take votes away from him, instead of pointlessly cowering to him.

"Donald Trump is at his absolute lowest in terms of power, influence, or intellect. He’s basically a zombie whose brain has died."

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