Thursday, September 7, 2023

DEPLORABLE: Republican base sticks with Trump—fascism, indictments, and all

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By Hunter for Daily Kos

Daily Kos Staff

Republican voters like their politicians to be traitors, accused criminals, or both.

That's the takeaway from the newest CNN/SSRS poll on the Republican presidential primary field. After the first Republican debate, which four-time indicted former President Donald Trump did not bother to attend, the man who attempted to overthrow the United States government rather than accept his own election loss remains at the top of polls, with 43% of Republican voters planning to “definitely” vote for Trump. Only 20% of GOP voters definitely support someone else, with the rest undecided. "Nearly two-thirds consider him one of their top two choices," CNN says.

Look, if you can attempt to erase an election and still bank on the near-certain support of 2 in 3 Republican voters, there ain't no other way to say it: Republican voters are just fine with sedition. They might be pissed that it didn't work, or they might be unenthusiastic about the whole violent-coup thing, but they’re otherwise supportive of ... whatever the flying fuck they think the showboating reality-television liar and alleged rapist brought to the Oval Office. Trump and a large number of Republican co-conspirators tried to nullify a U.S. election, and Republican voters not only don't find that a disqualifying act, they'll vote for him again.

Hey, Republican voters! You back sedition. I guess that explains all the Confederate flag, but maybe y'all should stop also waving the U.S. flag like you own the thing. You're all the opposite of patriots. A man can stand up and say, "Yeah, I'm gonna tell my vice president that he has dictatorial powers to make me your god-king," and you suckers slurp it up with a spoon.

There's no "but" you can attach to "Well, I don't support Trump and his team attempting to overthrow the government." You either support it or find it unforgivable. There's no third option.

The poll is full of other numbers that make it clear we're not simply being mean about this. Just 17% of Republicans believe that the charges related to Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 insurrection, if true, are disqualifying, with barely more than that saying they won't back Trump "under any circumstances." Everyone else in the base is supportive.

I mean, it feels weird that we all personally know people who would rather see the end of America as we know it than abide things like rebates for energy-efficient appliances. But that's the world these freaks live in.

Roughly two-thirds of Republican-leaning voters say that none of the four active indictments against Trump affect his "fitness" for reelection. And 60% believe he's been charged in the first place only because of "political abuse" by the officials prosecuting him. Republican voters simply don't care which crimes Dear Leader commits or how much evidence prosecutors find in his bathroom.

Because they're fascists. Whether or not Trump is a criminal is irrelevant to them, even as they're bellowing about "locking up" everyone else. This is probably because they're more passionate about racism, paranoia, theocracy, and, let's say, having sex with farm animals than they are about laws and justice. But that's just speculation on my part. CNN didn't poll the farm-animal thing.

A final tidbit from that CNN poll suggests what might really be going on here. After watching the first primary debate, Republican voters who paid attention to the debate considered the two debate winners to be entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, at 30%, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, at 28%.

So that might explain more about Republican voters than anything else. Prop them up in front of that televised debate, and those voters will come away most impressed with the babbling, mansplaining, know-nothing guy and the race's second-best conspiracy aficionado. If we're being far more generous than we ought to be, we could make the case that Republican voters aren't uniquely predisposed to support sedition: They're just the most stone-cold gullible people in the nation.

We may have reached the extremely weird point where all of the nation's stupidest people have amassed into the Republican Party. These are the people who will believe anything and who will get very, very mad at you if you don't believe anything. We have reached a point in time in which every American whose brain has been rotted into pudding by a lifetime of awful television commercials decides, individually, that they won't support anyone who isn't a pudding-brain for office.

Trump draws new hurricane paths on maps with a marker—and these people buy it! Trump says that Russia didn't want him to win the 2016 election, and claims Ukraine and Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton framed Russia for hacking into Democratic National Committee servers—and these losers believe it! Ramaswamy shows up sounding like the way-too-loud commercial spokesman for every "As Seen On TV" product to ever exist, a man who so obviously exists just for the sake of attention that even Trump probably thinks he should tone it down a notch—and they're drawn in like fish on a line.

All right, all right, I'm just kidding. Settle down, stray Republicans reading this. We all know that Republican voters don't support Trump because they're gullible or stupid or like how ignorant he is or just like rich assholes more than they like anyone else in their own lives.

No, the other poll numbers tell the story. Republicans aren't gullible: They're just seditionists. They don't want democracy to exist if they can't "win" it. They don't care about crimes, evidence, or any of the rest. They just want to wave their Trump flags and listen to Dear Leader tell them that fascism is great and laws are for chumps.

There. See that? We can be fair about this. Republican voters aren't uninformed, and they're not stupid: They're all just horrible, anti-American proto-Nazis waiting for a new Hitler to tell them whom they can kill.

Because otherwise they'd be voting for someone—anyone—other than Trump.

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