Saturday, July 15, 2023

ALDOUS J. PENNYFARTHING: Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces amendment to pull U.S. out of NATO, destabilize the world

UNITED STATES - MAY 18: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., conducts a news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on her plans to file articles of impeachment against President Biden on Thursday, May 18, 2023. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)


Blue Country Gazette Blog

Rim Country Gazette Blog

Now that the “Kari Lake: Unfiltered” show appears to be winding down its Mar-a-Lago run, Donald J. Trump is flashing his regal crimson neck wattle in search of a new (running) mate. It could very well be Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the inimitable Flaxen Klaxon and answer to the eternal philosophical conundrum, “Oh, sweet baby Christ in a Wonder Woman onesie, what the f**k is this now?”

Of course Greene would be a risky pick, even for someone as dedicated to chaos as Trump. For one thing, she could be raptured at any moment, which in her case simply means tumbling headlong into a local quarry after one too many Boone’s Farms. But hey, it would be heaven for everyone else. That said, her thinking already dovetails with that of the OG MAGA weirdo himself, and that not only makes her more attractive as a vice presidential candidate, it also endangers most of Europe and, by extension, the world.

Case in point: Greene has introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would force the president to withdraw the U.S. from NATO, the same post-World War II alliance that’s kept the peace for decades and the Article 5 defense guarantee that has been invoked only once—on our behalf, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

RELATED STORY: Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks her TV is spying on her


GREENE: “Amendment No. 6 directs the president to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. My amendment would direct the president withdraw from NATO. They are not a reliable partner whose defense spending should be paid for by American citizens. For the better part of the last decade, Germany has contributed only around 1% of its GDP to finance NATO obligations while the United States is paying around 4% of our GDP to defend NATO countries. The United States has been financing and promising to defend NATO countries for decades and paying more than its fair share. Western European countries could and should be stepping up their financial contributions to ensure the security of NATO. Instead, they are entirely beholden to Russia, and the U.S. taxpayer is expected to foot the bill.”

After rolling out that dessert cart for Vladimir Putin, she teased a couple more goodies: an amendment that would prohibit the U.S. from sending F-16s to Ukraine, and another that would ban the provision of long-range missiles to the country, whose back Putin has been trying to break for nearly a decade now.

In other words, the Butcher of Moscow has no better friends in America than Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene, which makes you wonder what kind of kompromat Putin has on her. Then again, she’s probably fine with turning her back on the whole of Western civilization so long as Putin keeps all the parts with fully functioning Taco Bell Expresses. 

Of course, given that she has little to no mind of her own, Greene has been only too happy to follow Trump’s lead on this. And Putin’s BFF has been hinting at a NATO withdrawal for years.

From a July 2021 story in The Guardian:

In an excerpt [of “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year”] published in the Washington Post, Mr Trump is said to have lost the confidence of Defense Secretary Mark Esper. According to the book, Mr Esper confided in colleagues that he was rooting for Joe Biden to win the election because he believed he cared about national security.

“Esper couldn’t say the same about Trump. In fact, Trump had privately indicated that he would seek to withdraw from Nato and to blow up the US alliance with South Korea, should he win reelection. When those alliances had come up in meetings with Esper and other top aides, some advisers warned Trump that shredding them before the election would be politically dangerous.

“Yeah, the second term,” Trump had said. “We’ll do it in the second term.”

So like the schoolchild or office worker who brings in treats on their own birthday, Trump was going to celebrate his reelection by giving Putin the biggest, most extravagant present he ever got: the unraveling of the NATO alliance. And over what? A bunch of picayune bullshit that sounds reasonable only to dictators with boots on the ground in another sovereign nation’s internationally recognized territory.

Meanwhile, a real American president just stepped up to reaffirm our commitment to our NATO allies—something that Neville Chamber Pot and his wannabe toady will never understand:

“The United States is here today to reaffirm our ironclad commitment to NATO, but also to our Ally Lithuania. Our partnership goes back a long way. And our commitment to Lithuania, to the Baltics, and to NATO has not wavered.”

Thanks for the sanity, Mr. President. But if you or Kamala do ever end up debating MTG, stand clear. Those space lasers will singe your eyebrows right the fuck off.

"Down with NATO, I say.  Let those Ukies rot in blue and yellow hell. See, Putin is my guy too, Donnie.  We'd make a great team.  We could have our very own Clown Car."

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