Sunday, October 9, 2022

ALDOUS J. PENNYFARTHING: Pete Buttigieg hits back at Marjorie Taylor Greene over homophobic electric vehicle take

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has a problem with electric vehicles (EVs), apparently. Why? Because if God intended for us to drive EVs, He wouldn’t have filled the world with a rich, gooey nougat of fossil fuels that could only have been created through millions of years of heat and pressure being brought to bear on ancient organic matter—or by an ineffable, omniscient deity who loves pranking right-wing evangelicals into thinking the Earth is barely older than this tree

So at Donald Trump’s latest Loser-Palooza rally in Michigan over the weekend, not only did Greene suggest that Democrats were already pushing conservatives into Soylent Green factories with impunity, she also claimed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who is openly gay, is trying to “emasculate the way we drive” by promoting EVs.

Here she was, sounding as usual like a rutting yellow baboon who somehow got her head stuck in the narrow end of a vuvuzela. 

GREENE: “What’s more American than the roar of a V8 engine under the hood of a Ford Mustang or Chevy Camaro—an incredible feel of all that horsepower? But Democrats like Pete Buttigieg want to emasculate the way we drive and force all of you to rely on electric vehicles, after they shut down your great Michigan auto industry.”

What’s more American than an obnoxiously loud, gas-guzzling sports car? Okay, I’ll play. How about a U.S. congresswoman who doesn’t try to overthrow our democracy? And while I know Greene is pretty callow, I think she’s been alive long enough to remember when a Democratic president literally saved the U.S. auto industry. Also, that same auto industry is pretty darn “woke” these days when it comes to EVs

On Tuesday, Fox News host Neil Cavuto asked Buttigieg about Greene’s comments, and he was pretty gracious in light of Greene’s not-so-veiled attack on Buttigieg’s manhood.

CAVUTO: “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican at a rally in Michigan, said this past weekend that ‘Mr. Buttigieg is trying to emasculate the way we drive’ by, she goes on to explain, by supporting environmentally friendly transportation. But what did you think of her wording?”

BUTTIGIEG: “I literally don’t even understand what that means. I mean, my sense of manhood is not connected to whether my vehicle is fueled by gasoline, or whether it’s fueled by electricity. This is a practical matter ...”

CAVUTO: “Were you offended by that, sir? Because even people who, you know, share her politics didn’t share that view.”

BUTTIGIEG: “It’s a strange thing to say. You know, to be honest, there are other members of Congress that I pay more attention to when I’m thinking about opinions that really matter or ideas that are going to be critical to engage with.”

While Republicans remain hopelessly mired in the past—whether it be refusing to accept the results of the 2020 election, fetishizing modes of transportation that murder the planet, or allowing Dr. Oz to appear on camera without a shock collar—everyone, and most especially auto industry executives, knows EVs are the wave of the future.

Eventually, most of us—including Marjorie Taylor Greene—will likely own an electric vehicle. If she wants to hear the roar of a V8 engine, she can always record it and stick the tape in her 8-track player whenever the mood arises.

Literally no one will give a shit, but at least she’ll be spewing less toxic exhaust into the atmosphere. From her car, that is. Can’t do much about the EPA superfund site atop her torso.

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