Tuesday, September 6, 2022

FINALLY Uncle Joe Goes There: GOP is coming for your Social Security if they regain power

President Biden Speaking in Milwaukee

Biden said it in clear and unmistakable tearms, the same terms I’ve personally been using for months. He said “They are coming for your social security and medicare”. He cited senator Skeletor’s distopian idea of having to re-authorize, change, or eliminate completely Social Security and Medicare every five years. Then he cited Senator Rojo the Clown’s even more heartless proposal of making this vote more frequently than that.

Social Security and Medicare will be under siege if Republicans regain power, and unlike most other issues, this one has the potential of pulling millions of not just moderate, but right wing seniors away from Trump et al. Abortion won’t move them, tax policy won’t move them, climate change won’t move them, debt relief certainly won’t move them, none of the other salient issues of the day has the power to move them like this issue. Social Security and Medicare are the only thing standing between MOST seniors and abject poverty and homelessness, and they ALL damn well know it.

It’s time to beat this issue like a drum, shout it from the rooftops, never let it subside. It’s not just seniors and those already retired. The tail end of the boomers and many in the leading edge of Gen-X are deeply affected by it. 

I for example am a tail end boomer. I plan to retire in three years, but actually I’m eligible next year. There is nothing, nothing that concerns me more greatly than the notion that Social Security could be “sunset” during my remaining years.

Most of my retirement money was wiped out during republican recessions in 2001 and 2008. Without my social security and medicare I literally would not survive on an income of under $1000 a month, which is where I would be without those programs. I am not the only one in this boat, there are millions of older Americans facing similar circumstances and we would all be terrified of the notion that these programs that we have been contributing to for a lifetime could be raided and wiped out leaving us with nothing. I realize that if you are relatively young this issue won’t seem immediate...to YOU, but boomers are a giant demographic and nearly all of us are affected by this issue. It’s time to tap in. We must blast this issue relentlessly, far and wide. This issue alone has the potential to be a bulwark against republican rule for a long time, but only if we act on it. If we promote it and spread it. 

MAGA are ultimately motivated by fear and paranoia. Well this is an issue that absolutely terrifies nearly every senior, boomer, and many Gen-Xer’s. Nothing motivates people to vote like the fear that comes when their very survival is under threat, and this issue is absolutely a threat of the highest order to all those groups. It trumps every other issue by a mile. Don’t Waste It!

"There is nothing, nothing that concerns me more greatly than the notion that Social Security could be 'sunset' during my remaining years."

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