Thursday, September 22, 2022

ALDOUS J. PENNYFARTHING: At weekend hatefest, Bannon declares Biden's plan to end cancer is actually a plan to end humans

US president's former strategist Steve Bannon arrives at the headquarters of strategic consultancy Comin & Partners in Rome on March 25, 2019, to take part in a debate on Europe. - Bannon, Italian Democratic Party (PD) politician and former Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda attend a debate entitled "Sovereignism vs Europeanism" on the future of Europe and on how western democracies are transforming. (Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP) (Photo by ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images) 
Steve Bannon: "No one’s going to make Soylent Green out of his purpling carcass. The Soylent Green folks surely have some quality assurance standards, right?".

The tinfoil was flowing like milk and honey at Turning Point USA’s “Defeating the Great Reset” conference over the weekend, and it offered a glimpse into just how gob-frothingly bonkers MAGA has become since ceding full control of their minds to a dude whose last linear thought involved deciding between regular and curly fries.

Former Trump administration adviser Steve Bannon, who by all indications failed to update to the Human 1.0 operating system when God released His latest “not spontaneously transforming into humid mulch” software patch, is now fretting about the coming Human 2.0-engendered dystopia. Not sure what he’s so worried about. No one’s going to make Soylent Green out of his purpling carcass. The Soylent Green folks surely have some quality assurance standards, right?

Of course, in MAGA’s well-informed opinion, Donald Trump can do no wrong and President Joe Biden can do no right, so in MAGA world, even Biden’s vow to eventually put an end to cancer takes on dark undertones:

STEVE BANNON: “This is the biggest inflection point in human history. In the lived experience of half of this room, or maybe more, we're going to get to a point where you're going to have Human 2.0. Right? They're telling you that. They're funding that. This is not science fiction, this is fact.

“They talk about they’re going to save kids, and they’re going to do this—that’s all crap. They want to be immortal. Right? And they also say there's too many people, the carrying capacity of this planet– there's too many people, right? So we gotta figure out how we're going to do here. You know, they're all over Tucker and the Great Replacement theory and about the thing. Hey, the Great Replacement theory is homo sapiens. That's what they're trying to replace.

“They’re going to have their deal and devil catch the hindmost. And people say, well hold it, I haven't heard about that. Of course you haven't heard about it. They don't want to talk about it. They're just going to do it. And they're going to call it the Cancer Moonshot. This is what we have to stop.”

You mean Joe Biden and his evil cancer-fighting cabal are trying to create a world in which people live longer, healthier lives? He’s really blowing the lid off Democrats’ fiendish plans now! Stop them before every American citizen has the health care they need when they need it!

RELATED: Bannon detailed Trump's scheme to steal the election: ‘I’m the winner. Game over. Suck on that'

Of course, Turning Point USA, whose mission is to “identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government” before their skulls fully harden, is all-in on Trumpism. And if you’re still wondering if there’s a limit to their depravity, they gave professional hoaxster and murdered-child defamer Alex Jones a standing ovation:

Transcript, also via Media Matters:

CHARLIE KIRK (TURNING POINT USA FOUNDER): “I was told by everybody — it's not the President Trump — but it is going to make you guys, wait till you see this, alright? In fact, this man is more hated by the media than Donald Trump, and that says something. OK? Which is, so, if you're going to talk about the great reset, then you have to have someone who's the most banned man in America, Alex Jones joins us.”


ALEX JONES: “I’m extremely honored to literally be here with the leader of the pack Charlie Kirk and the great Turning Point USA. I mean your buzz has been giant for six years and I’m telling you, everywhere, there’s victory. Everywhere people are awakening. Everywhere young people are being energized, and others, it’s Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, what you’re doing. So I’m very honored to be here and I salute you in the fight for Western civilization and the future of our world and the battle to defeat the great reset.”

Not that you need any more reason to disbelieve Alex Jones—whose ass is in a sling over his claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was a false-flag operation involving crisis actors—but it’s a bit ironic that he said he was “extremely honored to literally be here” when he was, in fact, attending the conference remotely, via video. 

RELATED: Alex Jones’ texts reveal he spied on his wife and ex-wife, according to a new Rolling Stone report

That said, Jones was kind enough to give an overview of the “Great Reset” that he, Kirk, and TPUSA are trying to defeat—he even wrote a book about it!—but after he said “Bilderberg Group,” I was forced to spend the next several minutes trying un-swallow my tongue, so I missed the rest of the rant. Though you can find it here if you’re really interested.

Meanwhile, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk is convinced that liberals are deliberately destroying Western civilization to pave the way for the rise of the machines:


KIRK: “Well, you can only reset something if you break it first, so if you have a rich, prosperous, beautiful nation that has a stable currency and has, you know, somewhat of a border, and we did under the prior administration, how can you reset it if things are pretty good? You gotta break it first. … When you educate yourself on the Great Reset, you realize, oh, they want something completely different. They want a world where man merges with machine. They do not believe in borders. They believe in the destruction of the U.S. dollar. They believe in the complete and total collapse of your relationship with God almighty. They believe the American family is an impediment to flourishing Western civilization. … If we do not work to pass down the values of Western civilization, if we do not work to pass down the values of the Constitution, of a strong America, then we’re going to be living in a country that’s totally unrecognizable, and all these people, they know that if they can get to your children and grandchildren, then the game is over. And they are getting to them.”

Wait, isn’t this a conference for college students? I know right-wing Christians like to start early, but do some of them really have grandchildren already? Seems unlikely, but they’ve shocked me plenty of times before.

RELATED: Some Nazi hunters these guys are: Charlie Kirk tries to launder white nationalist problem

Far from trying to create a big tent and broadening their reach, the MAGA world seems content to keep riling up their existing cult members with phantom dangers—while ignoring the genuine creeping fascism implicit in Donald Trump’s every statement and action. 

The latest? Trump has gone full QAnon. Maybe he can build a winning coalition of QAnon members, demon sperm doctors, flat Earthers, and moon-landing conspiracy theorists. But somehow, it feels like he’s just grasping at straws now.

Guess we’ll find out more in November, huh?

Is there a scarier person on the entire planet than Steve Bannon.  Look up "pure evil" in your dictionary and this is what you'll see.

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