Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Newsmax using ‘butt-dialed’ conspiracy to explain Trump’s tampering call to Jan. 6 witness


Former New York Police Department Commissioner Raymond Kelly, who is best known for his support of the catastrophically racist stop-and-frisk policy, has a son. That kid is named Greg. Greg, like most corrupt east coast officials’ progeny, has found his way into the ultra-right-wing media sphere. He’s a face on Newsmax. Newsmax is where people go when they feel like Fox News is getting too heady to follow.

Kelly has so little charisma that instead of getting the relatively easy nepotism job of right-wing White House correspondent (like Peter Doocey), Kelly has been relegated to hosting his own, somehow less coherent, version of Tucker Carlson’s show. The Jan. 6 committee and its public hearings have been a minefield of facts and evidence leading to the conclusion that Donald Trump is guilty of conspiring to overthrow our democracy. Every day a new and explosive piece of information comes out pointing to Trump’s pathological inability to follow the laws of our land.

On Tuesday, Rep. Liz Cheney told the world that Donald Trump had attempted to contact a committee witness before they were set to appear. This was verified by a lawyer and this very possible attempt to tamper with witnesses has been reported to the Department of Justice. What does Greg Kelly have to offer up to his audience?

Butt-dialing. The disgraced former president of the United States maybe butt-dialed a witness. Just sort of had that witness’ contact information up on his cell phone and then happened to sit on that phone. And Kelly’s evidence? Greg says he has “received a call” from Donald Trump “on more than one occasion,” and he can’t tell what his number is when he’s calling. “You can’t actually tell it’s him calling because he’s got some system, you don’t know.”

It’s magic. Of course, do you know how many people answer unidentified phone numbers on their phone? Almost none. The way people like twice-impeached former guy Trump get in contact with people is by one of two ways: They call—or text—and say they are about to call or will be calling from a certain number, or they have someone call and tell you they are on the line or about to call you.

This is Greg Kelly though, a guy that failed his way up into having a job that keeps him flush in expensive watches and boring ties. Kelly, having in his mind sufficiently poked a hole in this evidence of witness tampering, even has Trump’s defense lined up for him as well: “Hey, maybe it was a butt-dial, huh? Tell the Justice Department that.”

If an innocent cellphone accidentally ended up beneath this butt, it wouldn't be dialing anything ever again.

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