A new book gives a clarion look at what the faux leaders of the Party of Hate were really saying about Trump, and his incitements to overturn a free and fair election:
But excerpts from the book, “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future,” written by New York Times reporters, provide new insights into how close both Republican leaders were to demanding Trump’s resignation and supporting his impeachment.
During a meeting with House GOP leaders, for example, immediately after the Capitol attack, McCarthy said Trump’s actions that day were “atrocious and totally wrong.” He also acknowledged that Trump had “incit[ed] people” to attack the Capitol in order to disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election, which President Joe Biden won.
“I’ve had it with this guy,” McCarthy told Republican leadership, according to accounts given to the book’s authors.
Trump’s remarks before the attack took place were “not right by any shape or any form,” McCarthy said during the same phone call, questioning how Congress should respond to what the former president had done. After considering and then dismissing the use of the 25th Amendment, McCarthy told his colleagues, on a separate call on January 10, that he’d personally recommend that Trump resign before his term was set to end.
truthout.org — April 21, 2022
What’s more, in addition to contemplating a “forced resignation” of the former guy after January 6th — they were also rooting for his Impeachment. In private of course, expecting the Democrats to do the heavy lifting, to rid America of the wantabee Putin — that they themselves had enabled:
We now have definitive proof of that fact, thanks to a new excerpt published Thursday from the forthcoming book "This Will Not Pass" by New York Times reporters Alex Burns and Jonathan Martin.
"The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us," McConnell told two associates just days after the insurrection, referring to the effort to impeach Trump in the Democratic-led House, according to the Times' reporters.
And of Trump's guilt, McConnell was equally clear-eyed: "If this isn't impeachable, I don't know what is," he said. There was even talk that McConnell himself might vote to convict Trump in a Senate impeachment trial.
www.cnn.com — April 21, 2022
Of course, the GOP moral outrage at the Trump-instigated Overthrow Attempt, lasted about as long, as the next Trump mean look and veiled threat. Profiles in courage, McConnell and McCarthy are not. More like Trump doormats if you look at them now.
What they have done, to continue to empower The Big Liar, is “not right by any shape or any form ...”
The American Voters should have about “had it with these guys ...” who saw first-hand what Trump-olini is capable of — and yet they still continue to support “the guy — their SOB.”
The Democrats are going to take care of these son of a bitches these sellouts, as we always must. Especially since the Republicans — who have no platform, who refuse to debate — have morphed into the Party of Authoritarian Thugs.
No questions asked.

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