Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Welp, it's just so clear that Joe Biden is simply "Destroying" America!

US President Joe Biden speaks during a virtual meeting on securing critical mineral supply chains in the South Court Auditorium near the White House in Washington, DC, on February 22, 2022. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images) 
Most important, Biden is a human being; Trump is a self-centered Putin sycophant.

So a member of my anti-disinformation Facebook group Army For Truth decided to drop this little nugget on us all.

Trump is strong, patriotic, smart and I can't wait for 2024 so he can fix AAALLLL the f-ups the Biden administration are responsible for. Trump handed over a strong economy, enemy's that kept quiet and respected America (China, Russia, N. Korea), the Southern Border was as strong as ever.
Under the Libtards we have ZERO respect around the World, inflation is skyrocketing, the schools are a huge mess, Covid was a sham, Afghanistan lololol WHAT has Biden done right? What good for America has come from having this incompetent, corrupt, IDIOT in charge.

Wow, I never really considered that perspective before.  Trump is the GOOD GUY??!  Biden is a shambolic senile mess? How could I have missed it?  It’s becoming all so clear now. The scales have fallen from my eyes.

Over the jump is my response.

Frank Vyan Walton Author

Joe Davola

Sure, Biden's responsible for Inflation - even though it was created by supply chain issues [and corporate greed] due to Trump blowing the initial response to Covid, and it's because of all Biden's spending except that Trump's [two] stimulus packages were almost twice the size of Biden's.  
And oil and gas prices rising are Biden's fault, except he only canceled the issuing of new leases on public lands and there have now been far more drilling permits issued on the existing leases. Oil production actually went down in 2021 due to covid but has so far recovered to where it was in 2019.
US Oil Production from 2017-2022

[Notice that the dips match the peak rise of Covid infections]

GDP 1990-2021
Absolutely Trump left us with a great economy after he improved unemployment under Obama from 4.2% all the amazing way to 3.5% - a massive improvement of 0.7% - and it only took him a short three years to get there.  Then he finally left us with unemployment at 6.3% once the pandemic hit.  After that Biden only improved unemployment from 6.3% to a measly 3.9% - which is only three times as much as Trump's improvement - while re-creating 6.6 million jobs and having an average GDP of 5.7% when Trump's average GDP for his entire time in office was 1.7%.
Unemployment in 2021

And Biden's responsible for the Afghanistan pullout that was negotiated and planned entirely under Trump who wouldn't let the Afghan government be involved so it promptly collapsed as their Army — who had been doing the bulk of the fighting since 2014 — dissolved in 19 days. And sure, besides conducting a historic airlift that brought 125,000 people out of the Kabul airport it’s tragically unfortunate that still many of our translators and allies were left behind — but that probably wouldn’t have happened if Trump hadn’t implemented a bigoted Muslim Travel Ban that prevented them from being removed previously.

Sure, Biden's responsible for the invasion of Ukraine because Putin is doing it largely to undermine NATO and previously he had Trump available to do that for him by doing things like ordering our troops out of Germany.  It’s just too bad that dumb ‘ole Biden canceled and reversed that order. And those Javelin missiles that Trump wouldn't give to Ukraine until they ginned up a fake investigation of Biden's son were finally delivered by Biden - so that must have pissed Putin off.
And right, we have "zero" respect around the world except that every other country is going along with our sanctions on Russia, even Germany who actually do need the natural gas from that Russian pipeline, but they agreed to cancel the deal anyway.  Yeah, if only they respected Biden who told them to do that.
And Biden is responsible for increased migrants at the border because he practically didn't change any of Trump's previous policies including immediate expulsion under Title 42 Covid protocols or "Remain In Mexico" which is still in place. [Thanks to a right-wing Trump nominated Judge]
And Biden is responsible for Covid, except that it started under Trump after he had dismantled the Pandemic response group that Obama had made part of the National Security Council, and also dismantled the pandemic fast response teams that had been put in place all over the world, and then threw away the pandemic response plan.
Then Trump did "Operation Warp Speed" even though the first company to deliver a vaccine - Pfizer - wasn't part of that program, and Trump did a great job delivering the vaccine to 2 million people before he left DC without leaving a distribution plan so Biden had to improvise and get the vaccine to 240 Million Americans all by himself.
Yep, clearly, Biden is the problem here.
Trump managed to get 2 million people vaccinated for Covid; Biden has vaccinated 240 million.

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