Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Trump gives bizarre interview to UFC podcast, answering Ukraine question with windmill rant

Trump talks to FULL SEND PODCAST
Trump gives off the rails answer to question about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

There’s only one thankful aspect to Russia’s horrific and illegal invasion of Ukraine: Failed one-term President Donald Trump isn’t leading the U.S. as it happens. 

The orange monster recently sat down with the bros from the UFC podcast Full Send, and although it’s anyone’s guess what they expected, what they got was an off-the-rails answer to the war in Ukraine. 

Trump initially began with the usual, talking about how great his leadership was, that “Putin would not have done it [invaded Ukraine],” and if he’d been in office there’d be “no war.” 

Side note: Somehow the twice-impeached dolt seems to have completely forgotten about his illegal phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, pressuring him to work with Rudy Giuliani on a probe into then-candidate Joe Biden’s son. 

After being asked about how the Ukraine conflict would look in the future, whether or not it would drag on for some reason, Trump launched into a bizarre rant about—wait for it—windmills? 

“I said this a long time ago, if this happens we are playing right into their hands—green energy,” he said, adding: “The windmills, they don’t work. They’re too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes.

“And yet the environmentalists love the windmills. I’ve been preaching this for years … the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have and they don’t work.”

Trump went on to say: “By the way, they last a period of 10 years and by the time they start rusting and rotting all over the place nobody takes them down. They just go onto the next prairie or land and destroy that.”

Trump has long proffered weird and false claims about wind energy. In 2019, he claimed windmills “killed all the birds.” He added that windmills cause cancer. 

Meanwhile, former failed Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen went to the Ukrainian border, asking for thoughts and “prayers” for Ukrainian refugee families and donations to the relief organization @SamariansPurse, a “non-denominational evangelical Christian organization” that provides worldwide aid.

"They don't work.  Down with those damn windmills, I say." 

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