Thursday, October 3, 2024

Why Tim Walz is a gem—and JD Vance is a jerk


The joy and the agony: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Ohio Sen. JD Vance

To provide perspective following the vice presidential debate, here are the significant differences between the candidates.  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has won us over as “America’s dad” while Ohio Sen. JD Vance remains weird and unlikeable

As the candidates return to their respective corners following Tuesday evening’s debate, here is a look at where they diverge on their policy positions—and their rhetoric.

Approach to fatherhood 

It’s obvious that Walz is a caring family man. His son Gus’ love was on full display during Walz’s Democratic National Convention speech where, full of emotion and overcome with tears, he stood up and shouted, “That’s my dad!” 

Walz’s love of being a father is seen in numerous social media posts with his daughter, Hope. The videos show them spending time on the thrilling Slingshot attraction at the Minnesota State Fair and testing out fair food, or doing a PSA together cautioning young people against texting while driving.  

On the other hand, Vance recounted in an interview that he told his son to “shut the hell up” about playing Pokemon when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called to ask him to join the GOP ticket. And during a recent campaign stop at a Pennsylvania supermarket, Vance seemed to have trouble corralling his antsy sons.

“Can you guys act like normal kids for three minutes?” Vance asked the young boys before launching into a stump speech and lying about the price of eggs.

On the fight for—and against—reproductive rights 

Walz is a vocal advocate of access to fertility treatments including IVF, and champions reproductive rights. He shared memories of he and his wife Gwen’s 7-year struggle with infertility during his speech at the DNC.

“I can remember praying each night for a phone call, the pit in your stomach when the phone would ring and the absolute agony that we heard the treatments hadn’t worked,” he said. “It took Gwen and I one year, but we had access to fertility treatments”

Vance skipped a Senate vote on a bill that aims to protect access to IVF, and the legislation was ultimately voted down. He has repeatedly said he wants to leave it up to states to enact strict abortion bans.

“What we really want is when states and voters in those states make decisions, we, of course, want the states and the federal government to respect those decisions,” he said in an interview with CBS News. “We need to get out of the culture war side of the abortion issue, we need to let states decide their specific abortion policy.” 

Respectful ally vs. misogynistic cat-caller

Walz lifts women up by speaking about them respectfully and putting his money where his mouth is when it comes to policy. He invested $6 million in child care in Minnesota in an effort to make it more accessible. When asked why he’s successful as governor, he said “It’s because I surround myself with competent women.”

“Here’s my life hack, for all the guys out there,” he said at a rally in Wisconsin. “Surround yourself with smart women and listen to them. You’ll be just fine.”

Vance infamously called Democratic women “childless cat ladies” and has referred to those who choose not to have kids as “sociopathic” and “psychotic.” On Saturday, he shared a stage with Christian televangelist Lance Wallnau, who has called Vice President Kamala Harris “the devil’s choice” and lobbed the historically sexist claim of “witchcraft” at the Democratic presidential nominee.

Taking the high (or low) road on military service

Walz has respected Vance’s service in the Marines. 

“I am damn proud of my service to this country. And I firmly believe you should never denigrate another person’s service record,” Walz said to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union in Los Angeles in August. “To anyone brave enough to put on that uniform for our great country, including my opponent, I just have a few simple words: Thank you for your service and sacrifice.” 

Meanwhile, Vance questioned Walz’s military service after he served 24 years in the National Guard. While speaking in favor of gun control, Walz said, “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” 

In a press conference, Vance accused Walz of lying about serving in a combat zone and used the term “stolen valor, which ” describes a person who has lied about their military service. 

“Well I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war,” Vance said. "What was this weapon that you carried into war, given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq, and he has not spent a day in a combat zone."

The National Guard has confirmed that Walz announced his retirement in order to run for Congress before his unit was mobilized or deployed to Iraq.

Hometown adoration vs. detestation

Walz has also enjoyed careers as a high school social studies teacher and football coach. His former students wrote about how “passionate and service-driven” he was. His neighbors and fellow community members adore and respect him.

Not as much can be said of Vance’s hometown legacy. Appalachians were deeply critical of the way Vance portrayed his adopted community in his memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” calling it “a political platform masquerading as a memoir.” 

Vance was raised in suburban Ohio but spent summers with his grandmother in Kentucky. His book purported to be an analysis of “a culture in crisis.” But author and West Virginia native Neema Avashia voiced many residents’ thoughts when she wrote, “JD Vance doesn’t represent Appalachia. JD Vance only represents himself.”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has won us over as “America’s dad”

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Good Christians: Powerful ‘Evangelicals for Harris’ ad uses Billy Graham’s words to damn Trump


By TheCriticalMind Community  Eight out of 10 white evangelical Christian voters voted for Trump in 2020. This means two out of 10 did not. Some of the minority, let’s call them Jesus-adjacent Christians, founded the pro-Harris super PAC “Evangelicals for Harris.” The group runs ads advocating for Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz. 

Their most powerful ad juxtaposes Billy Graham’s words, from a sermon warning against the dangers of evil people, with Trump’s words proving he is an evil person. Following is the ad’s dialogue (video at the bottom):

Graham: “But you must realize that in the last days, the times will be full of danger. Men will become utterly self-centered and greedy for money. 

Trump: “My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy. I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy.


Graham: “They will be proud and abusive.”

Meghan Kelly (question to Trump in 2016 debate): “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs and dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.


Graham:  … uncontrolled, and violent.”

Trump: “I’d like to punch him in the face. I’ll tell ya.”


Graham: “They’ll be treacherous, reckless, and arrogant.”

Trump: “I am the chosen one.


Graham: “ … loving what gives them pleasure, instead of loving God.”

Trump (on the Access Hollywood tape: “You know I’m automatically attracted to the beautiful. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet.”


Graham “ … maintain a facade of religion. But their lives deny the truth.”

Interviewer to Trump: “Have you ever asked God for forgiveness?”

Trump: “That’s a tough question. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.”


Graham: “Keep clear of people like that”

Predictably, Billy’s son Franklin Graham — a man who is religiously attached to Trump’s ass, and who treats Christianity as a shiv to enforce his bigotry — thinks the ad is beyond the pale. The cognitive dissonance of hearing your revered father’s words being used to slam the anti-Christ to whom you have sworn fealty must cause psychological trauma. A symptom of which is sanctimonious sadism.

The good news is that not everyone in Franklin’s family has pissed on Jesus. Billy’s granddaughter (Franklin’s niece) Jerushah Duford, in a Zoom call with Evangelicals for Harris, announced her support for Harris. 

It is no coincidence that her path to truth, decency and redemption started with some of the very remarks referenced in the ad.

On the call, she recounted the moment in 2016 when Trump’s behavior, particularly his boastful comments about assaulting women, shattered her perception of evangelical leadership. She said,

“In 2016, when a man bragged about assaulting women, various leaders of my faith then propped up this man as a poster boy for godly manhood and leadership.”

Her uncle Franklin, and his fellow cynical opportunists, are still propping up the same aggressive misogynist. Even though he is now a legally adjudged rapist and convicted felon. Jesus weeps.

He's such a good Christian that he reads and rereads his tattered bible upside down. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

New right-wing conspiracy claims Democrats are behind Hurricane Helene

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Faith Cotto comforts her mother Nancy as they look at the remains of their home which burned during the flooding from Hurricane Helene in the Shore Acres neighborhood Friday, Sept. 27, 2024, in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Brace yourself, because if you thought Donald Trump’s racist “cats and dogs” lies were bad enough, it won’t be long before this bit of QAnon and Q-adjacent insanity ends up in one of his rambling, incoherent campaign screeds. 

I’m talking about Democrats controlling the weather. 

Conservative influencer Matt Wallace, with his 2.1 million X followers, lays out the case here.

Don’t worry guys, weather modification isn’t real! It’s just a coincidence that Hurricane Helene is one of the most devastating “inland damage storms” in history and that hundreds of pro-Trump counties are being massively impacted during the most important election of our lifetimes. 

Obviously the elites would never be evil enough to create hurricanes designed to interfere with “democracy”… Pay no attention to the storms currently brewing in the Atlantic either! You can ask any mainstream scientist and they will tell you that it isn’t even possible to create those or target them at certain areas. 

Just stay silent. No need to vote or expose anything. You wouldn't want to be called a conspiracy theorist right? Couldn’t have that. So please ignore your own eyes and don’t share this post or investigate further.

Ah yes, the famous conservative “do your own research” trope, which really comes down to, “find other people reinforcing this really stupid thing you believe in.” 

Hurricane Helene has been absolutely horrific, cutting a wide swath of destruction through Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina—over 600 miles of carnage. Over 100 are confirmed dead and damages will likely exceed $100 billion. Busick, North Carolina, was slammed with over 30 inches of rain. This hurricane was a monster. 

But yeah, liberals didn’t control it. In fact, we’ve been trying to tell anyone who would listen that these megastorms will become the norm if climate change remains unaddressed, and they don’t want to listen. Quite ironically, it is them, the climate deniers, who are in large part to blame. 

Instead, they’re claiming that HAARP—a research project in Alaska studying the ionosphere for communication and surveillance technologies—can’t just control the weather, it can even cause devastating earthquakes

High-profile conservative nutbags have spent the weekend blaming HAARP and the dastardly Democrats behind it for specifically targeting Trump counties for malicious purposes (you can see here, here, here, here, and here, just for starters).

In reality, if we really had this kind of power, we just wouldn’t use it to destroy people. We’re not violence-obsessed psychopaths wishing death and destruction on others. But if we weren’t so ethically constrained, don’t you think we’d:

  • Steer the hurricane over Mar-a-Lago? 

  • Hit key Trump areas the day of the election, and not a whole month (and change) before it? 

  • Spare Asheville, a key North Carolina blue area, without which it’s hard to see how Democrats can win the state? 

It is a real indictment on our society that everything has to be a freakin’ conspiracy. 

The only conspiracy here has been the right-wing campaign to gut any climate change progress. The end result will be more Hurricane Helenes, and there isn’t a single liberal in the world that is happy about that.

"Damn those dastardly Democrats!  They up and caused Hurricane Helene and made it hit all my best counties.  Does anybody know how these damn umbrellas work.  Probably invented by a damn Democrat.  Damn those dastardly Democrats!"

Why Tim Walz is a gem—and JD Vance is a jerk

  The joy and the agony: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Ohio Sen. JD Vance By Morgan Stephens  Daily Kos Staff Tuesday...