Sunday, March 31, 2024

FUN PENNYFARTHING READ: 11 reasons to dread Kellyanne Conway’s return to Trumpworld

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Kellyanne Conway, the once and maybe future mouthpiece for Donald Trump.

Aldous J. Pennyfarthing for Community Contributors Team


Daily Kos

Have you heard the good news? Kellyanne Conway is thinking about getting the band back together to help boost Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign! Potential names for this band: The Alternative Beatles. The Bowling Green Day Massacre. Big Head Todd and the Monsters Repeatedly Violate The Hatch Act. Play along if you like.

A new Axios report claims Conway is “weighing an offer to join Trump's 2024 team, according to a person familiar with her thinking.” Of course, that “person” could be anyone from Satan to Trump to Conway herself. She’s well known for playing footsie with the press, after all.

 Regardless, this potential mustering of hell’s hosts—she’ll presumably have a retinue of demons on hand to schedule interviews and get coffee—got us thinking about her days as a senior counsel to the president, when she somehow managed to stand out as an incorrigible liar in a party that essentially runs 24/7 on bullshit.

So we’ve assembled a countdown of her greatest hits. And boy, is it ever a doozy.

The first item on the list? The greatest Conwayism of all time, of course.

1. Alternative facts.

Right out of the gate, the Trump administration started lying to inflate his ego and assuage his inferiority complex vis-à-vis President Barack Obama. And Conway was right there to help promote his fantasy version of the universe.

In a January 2017 interview on “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd asked her about then-White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s clearly false statement that Trump’s inauguration crowd was “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.”

Conway obviously couldn’t gainsay Spicer, who was clearly acting on his boss’s behalf, so she thought up a lie, and she thought it up quick.

“You’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving—Sean Spicer, our press secretary—gave alternative facts,” Conway responded.

To his credit, Todd refused to both-sides objective reality, coming up with the only acceptable response: “Alternative facts aren’t facts,” he said, “they are falsehoods.”

That’s true, of course. But to be fair, Conway may have simply been thinking out loud. Because whether you call them “alternative facts” or “falsehoods,” they’ve always been Conway’s bread and butter.

2. The Bowling Green Massacre that never happened.

While “alternative facts” may be Conway’s most famous gaffe-slash-lie, the non-existent Bowling Green Massacre was likely the most fun. But what some still might not know is that it was apparently a carefully crafted lie, not just a slip of the tongue.

On Feb. 2, 2017, Conway came up with her own alternative history during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, citing examples of the kind of terrorist attacks a news executive order would supposedly prevent.

“I bet there was very little coverage—I bet—I bet it's brand-new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program,” she said, “after two Iraqis came here to this country were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green Massacre.”

Of course, as folks were quick to point out, the Bowling Green Massacre is not a thing, and she was widely—and rightly—excoriated for mentioning it.

But if it was just a brain fart, it was a meticulously curated one.

As The Washington Post pointed out at the time, she’d told the same story at least twice before.

While discussing why former president Barack Obama halted refugees from Iraq in 2011, Conway explained to Cosmo on Jan. 29: “He did that because two Iraqi nationals came to this country, joined ISIS, traveled back to the Middle East to get trained and refine their terrorism skills and come back here, and were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre of taking innocent soldiers' lives away.”

And she echoed those comments when interviewed by TMZ that same day, as the Daily Beast pointed out Monday afternoon.

Okay, so she fabricated an entire terrorist attack in order to defend Trump’s racist, Islamophobic travel ban. That doesn’t mean she’s racist or anyth …

Oh, shit, what’s this now?

3. She demanded to know a reporter’s ethnicity.

After Trump was widely criticized for telling four congresswomen of color to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came”—even though three of them are native-born Americans—Conway sought to quell the growing media firestorm. 

But the way she chose to do that was, well, super weird and arguably just as problematic as Trump’s original comment. As The Guardian reported:

“What’s your ethnicity?” Conway snapped back to Andrew Feinberg, a reporter for the website who pressed her on the president’s controversial comments.


When asked by Feinberg why his own ethnicity was relevant to the discussion, Conway shot back: “Because I’m asking you a question.” She also offered that her ancestors were from Ireland and Italy, to which Feinberg replied: “My ethnicity is not relevant to the question I’m asking you.”

No, it’s not. Just as an individual’s religion and race are not relevant to their ability to make a positive contribution to our country. But that’s pretty obvious now, isn’t it?

4. The coronavirus is contained!

In March 2020, as COVID-19 was licking its chops in search of a White House garden party to invade, Conway made a startling claim.

Pressed on earlier comments in which she suggested the Trump administration had effectively contained the virus in the U.S., Conway told CBS News’ Paula Reid, “It is being contained. … Do you not think it’s being contained in this country?”

Narrator: “It wasn’t.” 

5. Trump’s penchant for not thinking things through is actually a good thing.

In September 2019, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rushed to blame Iran for a drone attack on Saudi oil fields, Conway tried to spin the Trump administration’s general lack of due diligence as a good thing. 

This is why it's so important to have a president who isn't a typical politician, because he and his team don't sit around and say, 'well, let's study it, let's have a commission about it,’” she said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

In other words, act first, fix your facts around the policy later. Which is all we can really ask of the leader of the free world, right?

6. The Hatch Act.

The Trump administration was pretty lawless throughout its four-year reign of terror. For example, there was that whole “summon a mob to steal the election” thing at the very end there. But one of its most brazen scofflaws was Conway.

In June 2019, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel determined that Conway had repeatedly violated the Hatch Act—which limits the political activities of federal employees—and should be fired. NPR reported:

Presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway has repeatedly criticized Democratic candidates in her official capacity in violation of the Hatch Act and should lose her job, according to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

The OSC, which oversees federal personnel issues, issued a stinging report Thursday, calling Conway "a repeat offender."

"As a highly visible member of the Administration, Ms. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act's restrictions. Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system — the rule of law," the office wrote to President Trump.

Meanwhile, Conway derided the report as nothing but an attempt to silence her:

6. Trump’s infamous church photo-op was not a photo-op.

Say, remember that time Trump marched over to a church to have his picture taken while holding a Bible, but never actually stepped foot inside the building? According to Conway, that wasn’t a photo-op. Because it just wasn’t, okay?

US President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside of St John's Episcopal church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020. - US President Donald Trump was due to make a televised address to the nation on Monday after days of anti-racism protests against police brutality that have erupted into violence..The White House announced that the president would make remarks imminently after he has been criticized for not publicly addressing in the crisis in recent days. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Trump, taking the opportunity to hold a Bible for the cameras.

Shortly after Trump’s Jesus-pleasin’ stunt, Conway told reporters at a White House press gaggle that there was clearly nothing photo-oppy about it.

"I think the words 'photo-op' itself call into question—you're looking in somebody's heart and wondering, second-guessing why they would go over there," Conway said. "Is it a 'photo-op' because a photo was taken? While the president of the United States was in front of a church where he went on Inauguration Day? Where every president has gone for more than two centuries?"

Yes, Kellyanne, the reporter was looking into Trump’s heart. They discovered it’s three parts evil and one part curly fries. No love for Christ detected.

7. Go buy Ivanka’s stuff!

If there’s one thing Republicans hate, it's people who corruptly leverage their proximity to elected officials in order to make money. Assuming none of those officials is Donald Trump, of course.

But while President Joe Biden has clearly violated this sacrosanct wall of separation between private business and government by loaning his son $4,140 to buy a truck, you’ll discover that the Trump family has been pure as the driven snow—as long as you don’t investigate anything they’ve done, of course.

In February 2017, shortly after Trump excoriated Nordstrom for dropping his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line, Conway sought to prop up Ivanka’s beleaguered biz—from the very official press briefing room in the White House—and she used her government-provided megaphone to do so.

“It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it,” Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” “I fully — I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”

As Politico reported:

Conway’s remark appears to violate the executive branch’s ban on staff endorsing products or companies. The regulation, from the Office of Government Ethics, also prohibits using public office for private gain of oneself or friends or relatives.

Wait, there was still an Office of Government Ethics during the Trump regime? How adorable.

8. She denied that Trump knew about Stormy Daniels hush money payments.

In a 2020 retrospective on Conway’s White House tenure, columnist Margaret Sullivan, writing for The Washington Post, recalled one of Conway’s biggest, most shameless whoppers:

In an on-air wrangle with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, she denied the known facts about the pre-election hush-money payments made to two women, Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, who had been sexually involved with Trump.

“Christopher, in April of 2018, Donald J. Trump, the president, and everybody else were told about the payments,” Conway said. A straight-up lie, since an audio recording from August 2016 made public months earlier showed Trump and his then-fixer/lawyer Michael Cohen discussing one of the payments.

This lie, of course, is relevant to certain events coming up on the, erm, docket.

9. She was (allegedly!) a big leaker and backstabber.

In his 2019 book “Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House,” which was excerpted in Vanity Fair, former senior White House official Cliff Sims recalled his time with Conway, and noted how easily and breezily she trashed her colleagues:

Over the course of 20 minutes or so, she was having simultaneous conversations with no fewer than a half­-dozen reporters, most of them from outlets the White House frequently trashed for publishing “fake news.” Jour­nalists from The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Politico, and Bloomberg were all popping up on the screen. And these weren’t policy conversations, or attempts to fend off attacks on the president. As I sat there trying to type, she bashed Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Sean Spicer, all by name.

According to Sims, Conway didn’t spare her boss, either. While helping Conway draft a statement contradicting “Morning Joe” cohost Mika Brzezinski’s contention that Conway spoke out of both sides of her mouth when it came to Trump, Sims was apparently floored by her hypocrisy.

She also recounted private conversations she’d had with the president, during which, at least in her telling, she’d convinced him to see things her way, which she said was a challenge when you’re deal­ing with someone so unpredictable and unrestrained. She wasn’t totally trashing the president, at least as the Morning Joe crew described it, but she definitely wasn’t painting him in the most favorable light. She was talking about him like a child she had to set straight. I was sitting there, watching this, totally bewildered. I was supposed to be writing a statement, defending her against accusations that she had done almost exactly what I was watch­ing her do that very moment.

10. ‘This is COVID-1, not COVID-19.’

This one you can probably chalk up to gobsmacking ignorance instead of rank dishonesty.

During an April 2020 “Fox & Friends” interview, Conway trashed the World Health Organization for presumably not knowing what it was talking about.


In a swipe at the World Health Organization, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway made a misleading claim about COVID-19, implying that the disease caused by the novel coronavirus was so named because it’s the latest in a string of similar coronaviruses.

"Some of the scientists and doctors say there could be other strains later on, this could come back in the fall in a limited way," Conway said in an April 15 "Fox & Friends" interview. "This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks. And so you would think that people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that."

The comment came one day after President Donald Trump announced his intention to halt U.S. funding to the WHO and review its handling of the virus.

Of course, COVID-19 was so named because it first emerged in 2019, not because it was the 18th sequel to the original coronavirus.

11. What white nationalism?

Sometimes Trump is so off-the-charts awful and offensive, even old pros like Conway have a tough time spinning his grotesque hot takes.

Such was the case in April 2019, when Conway dodged CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s questions about Trump’s views on white nationalism in the wake of a gunman’s deadly attack on a California synagogue.

Via Media Matters:

TAPPER: My question was, does President Trump think white nationalism is a growing threat around the world, because he said six weeks ago, “I don’t really”? And it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. There are people in law enforcement and elsewhere who think, actually, white nationalism and white supremacy is a growing threat. And now we’ve had the second fatal synagogue shooting in six months.

CONWAY: And there are many growing threats.

TAPPER: I’m not saying it’s president Trump’s fault.

CONWAY: And that's one of them. I think there’s anti-Christianity. That's why the Sri Lankans were gunned down. They’re not Easter worshipers, Obama and Hillary Clinton. They are Christians.

Well, of course Trump doesn’t think white nationalism is a growing threat! Not to him, anyway. Stop asking!

Actually, that’s good advice for reporters in general. Stop asking Kellyanne Conway anything—ever. Unless you’re particularly fond of gaslighting, that is.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Liz Cheney has some stark warnings for the Supreme Court

Republicans Overwhelmingly Vote for Cheney to Keep (then Lose) her Leadership Post

By jamess


Daily Kos

Old school Republican Liz Cheney is warning the Supreme Court, just what kind of fire they are playing with, by entertaining Trump’s unconstitutional claims of Immunity.   In effect she says they are enabling him to avoid accountability;  and further, that they are helping him to suppress damning evidence, from ever reaching the Voters, who need to hear about it the most.

Cheney urges court to hold Jan. 6 trial before election: ‘He knows how damaging that will be’

 by Sarah Fortinsky, — Mar 28, 2024

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said it was critical that former President Trump’s federal election interference case goes to trial before voters select their next president in November as she called on the Supreme Court to recognize Trump’s appeal as a delay tactic.

“It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial, of holding him to account, before the next election,” Cheney said at a Wednesday event at Drake University in Iowa. “That cannot be the case.”

“And so, Donald Trump knows what the most senior members of his administration — his vice president, his attorney general, his acting attorney general, his acting secretary of defense — he knows what all of those people said to the grand jury, and he knows how damaging that will be to him,” Cheney added, in remarks first highlighted by Mediaite.

On Trump’s presidential immunity claim, Cheney cautioned the Supreme Court to “recognize that what he’s doing is a delaying tactic” and said that allowing for further delays is “itself, suppression of evidence.”

Liz Cheney gave up her political career, because she actually believes that defending the Constitution, was more important that that. And she still does. She is out there now, sounding the clarion call, about the danger that enabling Trump’s endless delays, represents to the Republic and to future “transfers of power” — should he somehow escape accountability for his actions. 

And somehow gain access to the presidency one more time, due to his lies and delays, and unquestioning enablers … Cheney makes the case for how he most likely, will never leave power, if ever seated there again.

Liz Cheney warns U.S. can't 'survive' another Donald Trump presidency

by Biong M. Biong , USA TODAY NETWORK — Mar 28, 2024

The country’s politics are undergoing a “tectonic shift,” with Cheney pointing to examples of GOP members supporting Trump’s claims of the election having been stolen as key evidence.

“Certainly, what’s happening in the Republican party is dangerous,” Cheney said. “We now have one of our two major political parties that has abandoned the constitution.”

“We know (Trump) tried once not to leave office, and he will have no incentive to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power and to leave office should be selected again,” Cheney said. “As frustrated as I know people get sometimes with policy disagreements you might have — and I certainly have policy disagreements with the Biden administration — I know the nation can survive bad policy. We can’t survive a president who is willing to torch the Constitution.”

I don’t agree with many of Cheney’s policy stands, but I do agree with the strong stand she has taken for holding the January 6th instigators accountable.  Primary among them being their ring leader Donald J Trump.

By her ongoing statements, Liz Cheney has shown more courage, love of country and the Constitution, than the entire mob of Trump loyalists, who accept the Big Lie without question.  Faux conservatives who turn a blind eye to the dismantling for democracy, who accept crazy lies about the election, without so much as shred of evidence, able to stand-up in an actual court of law.

This “voter ignorance” is what the SCOTUS will be further enabling and empowering, if they don’t swiftly dispose of Trump’s frivolous immunity claims.  Claims of being beyond the reach of the law, claims which he has already decisively lost in the D.C. Court of Appeals.

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Cartoon by Clay Jones for Daily Kos

The stakes for the nation could not be much higher, if Trump avoids accountability for January 6th incitement.  If he is given the Supreme Court “stamp of approval,” that he is indeed “above the law” — for life.

American Voters deserve to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — before casting their votes for Donald Trump again.   The complete and unvarnished truth, something that Trump would gladly deny them, without a single regret.

John Eastman speaks at Stop The Steal
Big Lie enablers Eastman and Giuliani have faced accountability, when will it be Trump’s turn?

Friday, March 29, 2024

Trump borrows from Hitler's playbook, turning insurrectionists into martyrs

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As footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol is displayed in the background, former President Donald Trump stands while a song, "Justice for All," is played during a campaign rally at "Whacko" Waco Regional Airport, Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Waco, Texas.

By Charles Jay for Community Contributors Team

Community / Daily Kos

Donald Trump’s first wife Ivana said her ex-husband kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches, titled “The New Order,” by his bedside. It might be the one book that he actually carefully read because our wannabe dictator keeps ripping pages from Hitler’s playbook as he campaigns to return to the White House.

Aided by his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, Hitler worked to turn jailed and slain Nazi thugs into martyrs during his rise to power in the decade after his failed 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch (for which Hitler spent only nine months in prison, despite being convicted of treason). 

At the start of last Saturday’s Trump rally in Dayton, Ohio, a voice over the loudspeaker told the crowd: “Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated Jan. 6 hostages.” Trump stood and saluted during the recording of what has become the MAGA anthem, “Justice For All.” It’s an altered version of “The Star Spangled Banner” performed by the so-called J6 Choir—insurrectionists held in a D.C. jail awaiting trial on felony charges. Overlaid on their song is Trump reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance.”

The Nazis had a national anthem attributed to the martyrs to their cause as well. 

RELATED STORY: Trump's affection for dictators is at the heart of his plans for America. And Ukraine

A Just Security analysis showed that most of the Jan. 6 inmates held in the D.C. jail around the time the recording was made in early 2023 were accused of assaulting law enforcement officers during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Trump began his speech by pledging to pardon those imprisoned for Jan. 6 crimes on his first day in office, praising them as “unbelievable patriots.” These were the people whom Trump inspired to storm the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Trump's "unbelievable patriots" in action on Jan. 6.  Do we really want the encore that will follow after he pardons them?

On Substack, in an article about Trump’s Dayton speech, Yale history professor Timothy Snyder likened what Trump did in celebrating his fascist movement’s “martyrs” to what Goebbels and Hitler did in the decade between the Nazis’ failed 1923 coup and their coming to power in 1933. And he linked the J6 Choir’s anthem to the “Horst Wessel Song,” which became the co-national anthem of Nazi Germany along with “Deutschland uber Alles.”   

Snyder wrote:

The cult of criminals as martyrs also suggests a historical context: the fascist politics of violence.  Before Hitler came to power, Goebbels worked hard to find a violent Nazi who could be portrayed as a victim of the far left. He eventually found a dubious character called Horst Wessel, who became the subject of the Nazis' main song. Trump has made an eerily similar move, turning his coup criminals into musicians of martyrdom.

The fascist-style martyrdom cult justifies violence, in two ways. It makes a hero of criminals, thereby making criminality exemplary. And it establishes prior innocence -- we suffered first, and therefore anything we do to make others suffer will always be justified. The Nazis sang their Horst Wessel Song as they conquered countries and killed millions.

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Will Bunch made a similar connection. He wrote, “Where did Trump learn to turn thugs into heroic martyrs? Try 1930s Germany.” And Bunch wondered just how much Trump and his team “are modeling the authoritarian rise of the Nazis ... either consciously or unconsciously.”

In the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, 16 Nazis were killed along with four Bavarian police officers. The website described how the deaths of these early Nazis were turned into “a propaganda victory” for the fascist movement.

The men became martyrs, remembered in the foreword to “Mein Kampf” and entombed in two “temples of honor” in downtown Munich. Hitler held an elaborate march every year on the anniversary of the putsch, retracing the route from the Bürgerbräukeller to the spot where the shots had been fired in 1923. A flag that had been stained with blood from the putsch became a symbol of Nazi ideology.  

Trump has hailed his own Jan. 6 “martyr”—Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer as she tried to climb through the broken window of a barricaded door that led into the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber at the head of a mob of Trump supporters.

The officer who shot her, Lt. Michael Byrd, told NBC News that he “saved countless lives” that day because about 60 to 80 House members and staffers were holed up inside the chamber. Byrd, who is Black, said he received numerous death threats and racist attacks after his name was leaked by right-wing websites.

Just months after the Jan. 6 insurrection, Trump was already turning Babbitt into a martyr for the MAGA cause. In a video filmed for her birthday, Trump said, “To Ashli’s family and friends, please know that her memory will live on in our hearts for all time. … There was no reason Ashli should have lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli."

A 2021 Salon story described Babbitt as a 21st century version of Horst Wessel. Wessel was a member of the paramilitary SA (Storm Troopers) who engaged in violent street brawls with the Nazis’ leftist opponents. Salon wrote that Wessel “was perhaps more like a member of the contemporary Proud Boys or Oath Keepers.”

In 1930, the 22-year-old Wessel was shot and mortally wounded by two Communists during a dispute over his eviction from a Berlin apartment. Goebbels visited him in the hospital before he died and decided to turn Wessel into the new Nazi “martyr.”

Goebbels himself described Wessel as a ”Christ-like” figure in his eulogy at a public funeral. Just months before his death, Wessel had written the lyrics to a marching fight song, setting them to an old German folk melody. The “Horst Wessel Lied” first gained popularity when it was sung by a choir of Storm Troopers at Wessel’s funeral, and in 1931 it became the official anthem of the Nazi Party.

In 1934, after Hitler had consolidated his power to become Germany’s dictator, legendary director Leni Riefenstahl filmed the massive Nazi rally in Nuremberg for her documentary, “Triumph of the Will.” An orchestral arrangement of the “Horst Wessel Song” is heard at the beginning of the film as Hitler’s plane flies through the clouds to land in Nuremberg, and the film ends with the Nazi leaders and the massive crowd giving the Nazi salute as they sing the song to show their solidarity with their Fuhrer. It’s quite chilling.

New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an expert on authoritarian leaders, drew comparisons on Substack between the 1934 Nuremberg Nazi rally depicted in “Triumph of the Will” and Trump’s March 2023 rally in Waco, Texas, that kicked off his 2024 presidential campaign. Waco was also the site of the Branch Davidian religious sect's deadly 1993 showdown with federal authorities.

Ben-Ghiat said “the stagecraft and rituals” seen at Trump’s rally continue the Fascist past.” And she wrote that the Nuremberg rally “enshrined victimhood and mourning into regime ritual and justified Nazi violence as national defense.” Ben-Ghiat wrote:

Fascism evolved out of paramilitary environments, with a cult leader who orchestrated violence. Once in power, Fascists used propaganda to change the public's perception of violence, associating it with patriotism and national defense against internal and external enemies. Rallies were crucial to that end. …

In Nazi Germany, a favorite rally ritual was singing the "Horst Wessel Song," which became the co-national anthem of Nazi Germany. In Waco, crowds sang along with a recording of "Justice for All," performed by the J6 Prison Choir. …

The Waco rally channels America's extremist past, but it also heralds America's Fascist future if Trump returns to the White House in 2024.

And finally there is actually an American version of the “Horst Wessel Song.” It was created in the 1930s by a white supremacist, pro-Nazi group known as the Silver Legion, “a Christian militia dedicated to the to the spiritual and political renewal of the United States,” according to a 2018 article in Smithsonian Magazine. The group called for re-enslaving African Americans and excluding Jews from the country.

It was founded in Asheville, North Carolina, by William Dudley Pelley, a novelist and former Hollywood screenwriter, who envisioned himself as the future dictator of the U.S. The group, which became known as the Silver Shirts because of their uniforms, had about 15,000 members at its peak. A congressional committee would later characterize the Silver Shirts as “probably the largest, best financed and best publicized” Nazi copycats in the United States. 

After the U.S. entered World War II, Pelley was convicted of publishing a seditious magazine and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He secured an early release from prison in 1950.

The Smithsonian cited the work of Fresno State University historian Bradley W. Hart, who wrote a book,” Hitler’s American Friends: The Third Reich’s Supporters in the United States.” The Smithsonian wrote:

Hart believes that the United States was lucky that its political parties at the time policed the extremists within their ranks and that the advent of war more or less shut down any pro-Hitler rhetoric, but that wasn’t inevitable. If the Depression had dragged on or if the United States sat out the war, the extremism bubbling beneath the surface may have become more organized and powerful. ...

“We need to take a new perspective on this period. It was much more ideologically divided than we remember,” says Hart. “The outcome that happened in 1945 was in no way preordained. Had Pearl Harbor not happened, [American Nazism] would have gone on for quite some time. We have to realize we’re not immune to political extremism or extremist pressure groups.”

Hart was right about that. It can happen here.

Don't ever doubt that "it can happen here."  Trump is desperate to survive and he will stop at nothing to do so.

RELATED STORY: 100 years after the Munich Beer Hall Putsch, Trump is borrowing from Hitler's playbook

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Here is what the MAGA Kowtowing to Putin gets US

MAGA Republicans would just let Ukraine be conquered by Vlad. No skin off their nose.

By jamess 


Daily Kos 

Hot off the presses as they used to say ...

Ukraine war latest updates: Russia’s intelligence chief claims U.S., U.K. and Ukraine were behind Moscow terrorist attack

by Holly — Mar 26, 2024

Top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, continue to make baseless claims that Ukraine, as well as its Western allies, were involved in a deadly terrorist attack in Moscow last Friday.

The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) on Tuesday said that the U.S., U.K. and Ukraine were behind the attack in which 139 people died.

FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov told pro-Kremlin journalist Pavel Zarubin that the attack was beneficial to Western intelligence services and Ukraine in their bid to destabilize Russia. He did not present evidence to back up his claim.

Idolizing Putin and his psyops and deep state back-ground by Trumpworld, has earned the Western alliance the “blame” for a horrendous crime.   With the U.S., the U.K. and Ukraine explicitly named as instigators.

This would be the equivalent of American intelligence agencies blaming Russia for 9-11 attacks.  No such outlandish assertions were ever made against Russia, in the aftermath of 9-11, as far as I can recall.  

U.S. intel did exactly the opposite, preceding the horrendous terrorist acts in Moscow recently:

Moscow attack:  Did Russia ignore US 'extremist' attacks warning?

by Gordon Corera, Security correspondent, BBC News — Mar 23, 2024

The 7 March warning from the US to its own citizens was unusually specific. It talked of reports that "extremists" had "imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow" and specifically mentioned concerts. It advised Americans in the city to avoid large gatherings over the coming 48 hours.

The timing may not quite match, but other details do tally closely with events on 22 March. It seems clear Washington had some kind of intelligence and that it related to Islamic State (IS) — the group that has issued a statement saying it was behind the Moscow attack.

As well as the public warning to its own citizens, the US also said it had communicated with the Russian government directly.

"The US government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its long-standing 'duty to warn' policy," a US official said in a statement after the attack.

Apparently, in the Putin style of “governing” — No good deed goes unpunished.


And Vladimir Putin— the Russian Dictator-for-Decades — serves as the iron-fist governing template that Trump, and his MAGA followers want to emulate.  Strongmen have little need for democracy;  and even less for facts and the truth.  Sound familiar?

Welcome to your future Republican voters.   Trump has already encouraged Putin to “do whatever the hell he wants” with regards to Ukraine and other NATO countries.

And now we see what such mindless appeasement gets US.      

More Russian Disinformation on steroids.   And blame for horrendous crimes.   All because it serves the strongman’s agenda.   Sound familiar?

America and Russia flags
If MAGA gets its way, how long before this becomes the norm?


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Trump's latest grift? A Trump-endorsed Bible

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Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside of St. John's Episcopal church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC, on June 1, 2020.

By Hunter for Daily Kos

Daily Kos Staff

On paper, coup-attempting fascist leader and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is about $4 billion richer now.  

That’s thanks to some truly bizarre stock market shenanigans that assert his dorky little Twitter clone, Truth Social, to be worth $7 billion despite bringing in only $3.5 million in revenues while losing $45 million to do it. The man could retire in Moscow and be treated like the crooked king he always wanted to be for however many years of life he has left. But no. No, the man cannot stop his obsession with bilking his fans, one nickel or dime or dollar at a time.

So today he's selling ... the Bible. Not just any Bible, but the only Bible endorsed by Himself, Donald Trump. Because Good Friday is coming up and—oh for fuck’s sake, let's just cut to the tape.ttps:

Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible...

Trump goes on to explain how the Bible is his favorite book, and how he personally owns lots of Bibles, and how religion is lacking in America, and how it's the most important thing of all, and how he's going to bring it back when he's elected.

That's the X-nee-Twitter copy of a Tuesday morning Truth Social post in which Trump prodded his freaky MAGA base to buy the only Bible that declares itself "inspired by Lee Greenwood's patriotic anthem and hit song, God Bless The USA."

Does your Bible include a "Handwritten chorus to ‘God Bless The USA’ by Lee Greenwood”? Does your Bible also fill out a few more pages by providing full copies of the notably public domain U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence?

No? It doesn't? Well, then, you're probably going straight to hell, because Jesus isn't going to put up with you carrying around a Bible that doesn't have those things.

This isn't the first time the Lee Greenwood-"inspired" Bible has popped into the news. It's been burbling into fruition since 2021 as a Christian Nationalism-tinged Holy Book with patriotic dangles attached. It'll set you back $60, and the website includes a special note emphasizing that " is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates." They're just using Trump's "name, likeness and image under paid license."

That's still a bit vague, in that it doesn't explicitly say His Royal Orangeness does not get a cut of the profits as part of his "licensing" agreement, but in the end, we're probably not talking about any amount of money that anyone as allegedly rich as Trump should give a damn about.

And that's the thing. You could give this guy all the money in the world, and he'd still be staring into a camera droning out a Krusty the Clown-level endorsement of a Trump-branded steak, or bottled water, or the most gawdawful shoes you've ever seen in your life.

In theory, Trump is running for president. You'd be hard-pressed to find him on the campaign trail, mind you, and on days when he doesn't have to be in a courtroom, he appears to be  devoting himself to golf championships and picking the pettiest possible fights.

His aides can't rouse him into leaving his home to campaign on more than a sporadic basis, but for an unknown licensing fee, he'll dust himself off, set up a couple of American flags behind him and hold up whatever book you want.

I don't know what kind of person thinks to themselves, "You know, I really need a Bible, but I don't like how focused most of them are on Jesus. Is there a version that waters that down a bit with random, unrelated patriotic schlock?" I don't know what to make of a Bible that needs to include, in its FAQ, an answer to the question, "WHAT IF MY BIBLE HAS STICKY PAGES?" Yeah, I know there’s a perfectly reasonable answer. The question is going to haunt my dreams for a week anyway.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Rachel Maddow's scathing takedown of NBC News for hiring Ronna McDaniel

 Rachel Maddow / MSNBC

By Kaili Joy Gray for Daily Kos

Daily Kos Staff

The response to NBC News’ hiring of Ronna McDaniel, former chair of the Republican National Committee, has been nothing short of astonishing.

The revolt from NBC employees—from on-air stars like Chuck Todd to NBC News Guild members—has been loud, public, and righteously angry.

On Monday night, Rachel Maddow joined the chorus of outrage. In a riveting and passionate monologue, Maddow first explained what exactly is so unacceptable about McDaniel. The enabling of Trump; the support of his attempts to overturn the election; McDaniel’s efforts, over and over again, to sow doubt about the results of the 2020 election.

Maddow then eviscerated the bosses at NBC for the grave insult of hiring McDaniel and pleaded with them to admit they were wrong and to undo this massive mistake.

You’ll want to read this for yourself:

The person who is the head of the Republican Party during Donald Trump's time in office and during his effort to throw out the election result and stay in power any way, and during his effort to run for election again after having done that, is Ronna Romney McDaniel. And she pitched in and helped. She helped set in motion the part of the plot that involved sending fake Trump electors to Congress from states that Trump did not win so Republicans in Washington could use those fake, fraudulent elector slates to contend that maybe Trump did win those states, even though he didn't.

And don't believe me on that. There she is on page 23 and page 27 of the federal indictment charging Donald Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States. There is her personal appearance in this scene of the crime as alleged by the U.S. Justice Department in this ongoing criminal case. In Michigan, where the fake electors are themselves now on trial, she told the state of Michigan in writing explicitly, do not certify the election results. The Detroit News has reported that with Donald Trump on the phone with her, she directed Michigan election officials to not certify the vote. She told them, quote, “Do not sign it. We will get you lawyers.”

She pitched in. She was part of the project. And what was the project? It was to use the power of the Republican Party—Republican officials in the states, Republican office holders in Washington, the national Republican Party that she runs— to use the party's power to reject election results to take over the government and hold power by other means.

And this project is now ongoing. Right now, the project is to tell the American people that those efforts on the 2020 election were righteous. That 2020 election, it wasn't okay. Those election results were not correct. We shouldn't believe in American elections. We shouldn't believe American elections are real elections. American election results should not be seen as real. They should not be respected.

That's the project now. It didn't work to overthrow the government last time, but as long as you can build on that first effort, as long as you can keep up the anti-election mythology, then you are priming your people, you're priming the American public to not accept the results of the next election either. You're telling them that they're going to need to take power by other means, because the election isn't going to be how we do it anymore. You're also priming people, honestly, to vote to give up this supposed democracy we have because what good is it any way? So what are we really losing if we decide we're going to lose this? Who cares? Elections are fraudulent here anyway. Who cares if we give them up?

Ronna McDaniel has been pitching in on that too, continuing to say since 2020 that that election wasn't right, that the American public should know that that vote wasn't real, and that is a message not only about 2020, but about this next election. And about whether or not elections should matter at all and whether we should bother having them at all.

And so I want to associate myself with all my colleagues both at MSNBC and at NBC News who have voiced loud and principled objections to our company putting on the payroll someone who hasn't just attacked us as journalists, but someone who is part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government. Someone who still is trying to convince Americans that this election stuff, it doesn't really work, that this last election, it wasn't a real result. That American elections are fraudulent.

Because that argument, that is a necessary part, that is the most necessary part, of the overall project of getting us as Americans to give up on this election stuff. Because wouldn't we rather have a real man in charge anyway, somebody who could really get some stuff done? If only we can clear away all the things in his way.

We have a long history in this country of forgettable men telling us that we need a new system of government where everything is under their control and politics is over, and this new strongman way of government is going to make America great again. We have had a lot of these guys.

But our generation's version of this guy has gotten a lot farther than all the rest of them. And why is that? He would have been as forgotten as all the rest of them had he not been able to attach himself to an institution like the Republican Party, and had the leader of that party in his time not decide that she would abide him, she would help. She would help with the worst of it.

It's my understanding that MSNBC’s leadership did not object to Ronna McDaniel being hired by NBC News when the matter first arose, but when the hiring was announced, and MSNBC staff essentially unanimously and instantly expressed outrage, our leadership at MSNBC heard us, understood, and adjusted course. We were told this weekend in clear terms, Ronna McDaniel will not be on our air. Ronna McDaniel will not be on MSNBC. And I say that, and give you that level of detail, because there has been an effort since, by other parts of the company, to muddy that up in the press and make it seem like that's not what happened at MSNBC. I can assure you, that is what happened at MSNBC. Ronna McDaniel will not appear on MSNBC, so says our boss since Saturday. And it has never been anything other than clear. 

And I will also say, if you care what I think about this, I will tell you the fact that Ms. McDaniel is on the payroll at NBC News, to me that is inexplicable. You wouldn't—you wouldn't hire a wiseguy, you wouldn't hire a made man like a mobster to work at a DA's office, right? You wouldn't hire a pickpocket to work as a TSA screener.

And so I find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable. And I hope they will reverse their decision. And it's not about, you know, Democratic Party, Republican Party. It's not about partisanship. It's not about right versus left. It's not about being a political professional versus some other kinds of person. It's not about being mean or nice to journalists. It's not about just being associated with Donald Trump and his time and the Republican Party. It's not even about lying or not lying.

It's about our system of government and undermining elections and going after democracy as an ongoing project, right? And this is a difficult time for us as a country, and I think that means we need to be clear-eyed about the implications of it. Difficult times make for difficult decisions. We are contending with something we've never had to contend with before. In the news business, yes, we are covering an election, which we do all the time. But we're also covering bad actors trying to use the rights and privileges of democracy to end democracy. The chief threat among them now is not the rioters and the kooks, but the slick political professionals who are turning their considerable talents to laundering violently revolutionary claims that America’s elections aren’t real, that election results aren’t real, and that they should not be respected.

We are contending with this now, not from William Dudley Pelley's brown shirt militias, right, but from the multibillion dollar massive political operation of one of the two governing parties of the United States of America. And that's new.

And with our country up against something that daunting and that scary and that dangerous for the country, I think bad decisions will inevitably happen. Mistakes will be made. But part of our resilience as a democracy is going to be recognizing, us recognizing when decisions are bad ones. And reversing those bad decisions. Hearing legitimate criticism, responding to it, and correcting course. Not digging in, not blaming others. 

Take a minute. Acknowledge that maybe it wasn't the right call. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong. It is a sign of strength. And our country needs us to be strong right now.


GAFFE CENTRAL: Who exactly is running the White House? It's sure not Trump

  No, France, you can't have the Statue of Liberty back.  Trump is not done with her yet. "Trump is both notorious liar and moron,...