Sunday, October 31, 2021

The states where the most people are quitting their jobs seem to have 2 things in common

The business owners whose blood, sweat, and tears—or at least their fancy, high-priced educations, family connections and access to venture capital—built this country, dammit were hellbent and determined to show American workers who was boss. This COVID-19 nonsense was not going to interfere with their profits any longer. It was time to take a stand.

So they all had their administrative assistants conference in their favorite state legislators, the same ones who helpfully passed legislation a few years back, keeping pesky unions out of their states. They called in their chits for all those campaign contributions to the governor. They called their Republican House reps and senators. Damn that Fauci, they complained. My business is hurting. No more lockdowns, no more of this “social distancing “crap. This state is going to open for business and I don’t want to hear another word about body counts or stressed hospitals. I need workers and I need them now. I paid for your damn campaigns, so do something!

And those state representatives and senators leapt into action. In a matter of a few weeks we saw state after state brimming with self-appointed medical experts in their legislatures, railing about the tyrannical mask mandates and business lockdowns. CEOs and white-collar professionals cracked their whips—many still from the comfort of their fine second homes and pools. And thus the support staff, the retail clerks and the service workers, many of whom who had once been adoringly lionized as “essential” at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, were told it was time to return to work. And for added good measure, Republican governors in those states cut off their unemployment aid. That’ll show them, they thought ...

But strangely enough, not all of those workers heeded the call. In fact, a good many of them quit.

As reported by Alyssa Fowers and Eli Rosenberg, writing for The Washington Post

Kentucky, Idaho, South Dakota and Iowa reported the highest increases in the rates of workers who quit their jobs in August, according to a new glimpse of quit rates in the labor market released Friday.

The largest increase in the number of quitters happened in Georgia, with 35,000 more people leaving their jobs. Overall, the states with the highest rates of workers quitting their jobs were Georgia, Kentucky and Idaho.

As The Post points out, the interesting thing about this data is that service-sector jobs are most highly concentrated in urban areas. So why would people be quitting their jobs at such astronomical rates in such relatively rural states as Kentucky, South Dakota, Iowa and Idaho? 

Fowers and Rosenberg offer a clue:

Employees quit or were hired at rates matching or exceeding the national average in the ten states with the highest rates of new infections that month: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Tennessee.

So the highest rate of turnover in August—employees quitting or getting hired—was found in the states which had the highest rate of COVID-19 infection for that month. Logically, that seems to make sense. Workers who live in one of those states were also likely to have a governor or, in the case of Kentucky, a Republican-dominated legislature who opposed business closures, even while the delta variant ravaged the state’s population. Such workers were essentially forced by these states policies to return to work if they could not work from home.

Those people forced back to work in an unsafe environment simply decided to quit—many of them likely before ever venturing back into their workspace. After all, they saw a job the other day that was offering more money. Or their next-door neighbor’s cousin got a job that pays more and allows them to work from home. The Post article quotes Nick Bunker, an economist for the job search portal Indeed, who notes that the high quit rate in these red and rural states “may be a sign there’s more competition in those parts of the country than other parts.”

The other interesting point about all of the states having both the highest level of turnover and the highest infection rates? They are all so-called “right to work” states, where legislatures passed legislation to disincentivize and discourage unions. So these workers have essentially no protection, no one to turn to for help remedying unsafe conditions, and no collective bargaining power; they can, for the most part, be terminated at will. That’s what “right-to work” has always been about.

As one commenter to The Post story points out:

So, when you have a crappy job, for crappy wages, and a crappy employer who doesn't value you at all, and all of a sudden you find yourself in a labor market situation that actually encourages you to look for work elsewhere--what do you think is going to happen?
The 'Great Resignation' is largely about working class people attempting to use what little leverage they have in order to make a moderately better wage for themselves in a mostly hostile, oppressive national work environment.

For employers, the downside of “right to work”— one they never saw coming—was the fact that workers in those states had little, if any, incentive to stay, especially when once-in-a lifetime opportunities arose for them to leave, while competition for higher wages and better working conditions further drove that exodus.

Some employers are responding by antagonizing would-be applicants.

In Missouri, a group of businesses, still frustrated by labor shortages more than three months after the state cut off the $300-a-week federal jobless checks, paid for billboards in Springfield that said: “Get Off Your Butt!” and “Get. To. Work.”

The state has seen no growth in its workforce since ending emergency benefits.

“We don’t know where people are,” said Brad Parke, general manager of Greek Corner Screen Printing and Embroidery, who helped pay for the billboards. “Obviously, they’re not at work. Apparently, they’re at home.”

The attempt to force workers back to dangerous, unsafe pandemic working conditions—brought on by short-sighted Republican policymakers for political ends—has collided with a culture where workplace protections and the ability to bargain have been completely devalued (also by Republican politicians), leaving workers as essentially dispensable commodities. 

No wonder they’re quitting for greener pastures in those states. Republican elected officials and their business donors in those same states have no one to blame but themselves. They created this environment, and now they’re going to have to cope and adjust with workers who want more out of their jobs … and know they can get it. They have to keep up and do better, or see their businesses go under.

Funny how that worked out.

Republicans love to shout "SOCIALISM" when they see this slogan instead of taking a little blame for their own greed and cruelty.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Tucker Carlson has created a very special pack of lies, all about defending white supremacists

 Tucker Carlson and Christopher Rufo

Tucker Carlson is, of course, a jackass. But he’s not just any jackass. Carlson is an authoritarian propagandist who is just a quarter-inch of upper lip hair away from going full Führer at any given moment. 

When it comes to the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Republican leadership in Congress might have had 15 minutes in which they were concerned that an attempted overthrow of democracy was a bad thing. Carlson never suffered any such qualms. He’s been right there all along, defending the horned and the handcuff-carrying and explaining how it’s the people who tried to protect Congress and preserve the outcome of the election who are the real villains of the piece.

But just in case his viewers haven’t gotten the message—the very, very loud, screamy, sneery message—that the people smashing through windows and smearing their poo in the halls of the Capitol are the good guys, dammit, Carlson intends to drive it home with (duh, duh, dah) a very special presentation. Those who want to see Tucker’s new series are going to have to keep their Orville von Richthofen popcorn warm until Nov. 1.

However, an equally special preview of that series is out now, in which Carlson devotes almost all of his time to defending America’s most sacred institution: white supremacy. Oh, and Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan so he could use the helicopters to attack Republicans. You have been warned.

Though including a link to a Tucker Tweet violates all rules of good taste, and certainly good journalism, I’m posting it here because this has to be seen to be believed.

In just a few seconds of trailer footage, Carlson informs his views that:

  • “Half the nation” is now the target of a “patriot purge” being conducted using helicopters pulled from Afghanistan.
  • The left is “hunting the right,” sticking American citizens in Guantanamo Bay and “leaving them there to rot.”
  • And most of all, that Jan. 6 is a “false flag” operation designed to give the left an excuse to can all those poor, peaceful patriots.

But the peachiest, most patrioty part of the video may be the way that Carlson scorns the idea of considering white supremacy as a threat. Because that section includes a nice video of KKK members marching in Washington. No big deal, y’all.

There are also lots of helicopters and … is that a drone? It looks like a drone popping out of the Capitol to pursue Republicans. Whether the drone can transport them straight to Guantanamo isn’t made clear.

All of this seems ridiculous, because it is ridiculous. But as we’ve seen over and over again in the last five years, ridiculous doesn’t mean harmless. It has never meant harmless. Just because everything Carlson is saying is a lie, doesn’t matter when Fox will do nothing but deliver the information without correction. That what he is doing is lifting up poor picked-on white supremacists is even worse, Because, just as they quickly determined that whatever Trump supporters did on Jan. 6 was just fine, Republicans have quickly determined that whether they’re called Proud Boys or the KKK, white supremacists are more than just okay. They’re the good guys in the fight with that monster Antifa and all his Black friends.

Carlson is far from alone in his embrace of white supremacists. On Wednesday night, right-wing propagandists Judicial Watch sent out their latest missive, bragging that they had obtained a collection of documents from the Park Service Police. Documents that just happened to already be in the public domain, but in any case, what the folks at Watch learned from looking through letters back few months before events of Jan. 6 was that the park police were concerned about Proud Boys and other groups planning violence at pro-Trump events. From this, Judicial Watch concludes that the police were “closely monitoring the First Amendment-protected activities of Americans.”

Judicial Watch also goes out of the way to insist that the email warning: 

“Pantifa/bLM Balt/DC branches are already bussing in people to disturb Jan. 6. Orders given to dress like ‘MAGA’ blend in cause trouble especially around cameras. At night arson has been ordered. All to be blamed on Trump supporters attending.” 

This “warning” was actually just police noting a tweet from some guy’s Twitter account that claimed the user is “a Senate candidate for MD in 2022. He retweets a lot from Lin Wood.” So a false claim goes out from Lin Wood, pick it up when it’s retweeted by a GOP “Senate candidate in 2022,” and then Judicial Watch recycles it to keep the mythology of “false flag” waving. 

What Carlson and Judicial Watch are feeding their eager right-wing consumers is a stream of not just justification for Jan. 6, but fear. Heaping helpings of fear, delivered with claims that make Q Anon seem like Snopes. 

And to do it, they’re championing not just white people, but white supremacists as a put-upon minority. Whether that’s the most dangerous portion of what these people are selling is debatable. But it’s certainly the most disgusting.

Friday, October 29, 2021

It’s the filibuster or democracy. We can’t have both

US President Joe Biden (L) and Vice President Kamala Harris arrive for a ceremony marking the 10th Anniversary dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial, in Washington, DC, on October 21, 2021. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at a ceremony marking the 10th Anniversary dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial.

All 50 Senate Republicans joined forces Wednesday to block the voting rights and elections reform bill, the Freedom to Vote Act, that Sen. Joe Manchin and fellow Democrats have spent months crafting on the premise that Manchin would be able to find “10 good people” among the GOP to pass it and save our democratic republic. They filibustered the bill without even having to filibuster it. None of them needed to say a word on the floor to block the bill from advancing. They simply voted “no.”

On Thursday, President Joe Biden vowed that the fight would continue. “We have to keep up the fight and get it done. And I know the moment we’re in. I know the stakes. This is far from over,” Biden said. He was speaking at the 10th-anniversary celebration of the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. “[Republicans are] afraid to even just debate the bills in the U.S. Senate, as they did again yesterday, even on a bill that includes provisions as they’ve traditionally supported,” Biden said Thursday. “It’s unfair. It’s unconscionable. It’s un-American.” That’s fine, as far as it goes.

It’s a better message than what the White House delivered earlier in the week, when a White House official presumably cleared to speak on the the issue dismissed the frustrations of voting rights activists to The Atlantic’s Peter Nichols. “Every constituency has their issue,” the official said. “If you ask immigration folks, they’ll tell you their issue is a life-or-death issue too.” Perhaps because it is, as is the sanctity of our elections when it comes right down to it. They are both issues that the president needs to engage in personally, directly.

This was the third attempt by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to pass voting rights in the Senate, the third effort to prove to Manchin (and his partner in obstruction, Kyrsten Sinema) that there are not 10 Republicans who give a good goddamn about “bipartisanship” when it comes to the most critical issues of the day: that Republicans have permanent rule by the minority in sight, and aren’t going to let it go voluntarily.

The vote was 51-49, with Schumer voting no, a procedural vote that allows him to bring the bill to the floor again in the future. Which he vows to do. In a Groundhog Day-worthy statement released Thursday, Schumer bemoaned the Republican obstruction. “Let there be no mistake, Senate Republicans blocking debate yesterday was their implicit endorsement of the horrid new voter suppression and election subversion laws passed in conservative states across the country,” he said. “When they wouldn’t debate, they said these horrid new laws that suppress voters—that subvert our elections—are okay.”

Schumer also promised that Republicans are going to have the opportunity to do the exact same thing again, “as soon as next week,” when he will “bring another proposal to the floor: the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.” This might be an effort to shame one Republican, Lisa Murkowski, who used her work on that bill to justify blocking the Freedom to Vote Act. “I’m committed to ensuring access to voting is equal, fair, and free from discrimination, which is why I’ve been working with Senators Leahy and Manchin in the context of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. There is nothing more fundamental than the right to vote.”

That was also Murkowski’s excuse for voting against the For the People Act back in June. She said she “absolutely” intended to cosponsor the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, because it is “narrowly focused on voting rights.” However, she has not signed on as a cosponsor to that bill, “but has indicated that she’s looking at it.” Sure. Thus far, there are no Republican cosponsors.

“The reflexive obstruction from Senate Republicans is not—is not—how the Senate is supposed to work,” Schumer said. “The question now before the Senate is how we will find a path forward on protecting our freedoms in the 21st century.” Yes, it is indeed. “The members of this chamber can take inspiration from great patriots of the past who put country over party. Or they can cross their arms and watch as our 240-year-old experiment in democracy falls prey to the specters of authoritarian control,” Schumer concluded.

There are two people to whom he needs to deliver that message directly: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. There are 46 other Senators—the Democrats and the two Independents who caucus with them—who need to deliver that message to them, as well. It’s time to end the filibuster, even if the rule change is limited just to elections-related issues.

There’s also a president who needs to use his bully pulpit to make this happen. President Biden needs to stop considering voting rights a niche concern that just another constituency is clamoring for, and start treating it like the three-alarm fire it is.

How many doomed votes is Schumer going to have before the tactic loses all utility, before it becomes rote and no longer outrageous that Republicans would obstruct voting rights? We’re nearly there, and when that happens, when it’s business as usual for Republicans to openly plot the theft of our elections, pretty much everything is lost.

And Republicans are passing state laws to reduce voting by people of color and otherwise steal elections.  WE MUST STOP THEM BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!

Cartoon: Kyrsten Sinema sells out to corporate donors including Big Pharma

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Coup planner John Eastman blames 'establishment guy' Mike Pence for failing to overturn election

John Eastman speaks at Stop The Steal
John Eastman speaks at the Jan. 6 'Stop the Steal' rally followed directly by the assault on our Capitol as the "Brown Dripper" stands by for support.

The reason that America still exists is that Mike Pence was just too much of a square to get down with the sweet revolutionary vibe, Daddio. At least, that’s the latest version of the story from former Donald Trump attorney John Eastman. 

Technically, Eastman wasn’t a White House attorney. He’s a Federalist Society chairman, the chair of the National Organization for Marriage, a board member of the Claremont Institute, and the director of a “foundation” where its entire role is to use the courts to attack valid elections. (No, really.) He wasn’t an official White House adviser. He wasn’t Trump’s personal attorney or a member of his campaign team. Eastman only stepped into the White House to serve as Trump’s very special insurgency adviser—the guy who dreamed up the plan for Mike Pence to pull the plug on democracy.

Eastman’s plan was simple enough: In his scheme, Pence would just declare that there were questions about the electoral slates in seven states. He would then leave those states out of the count and declare Trump the “winner” with 232 electoral votes. If anyone thought there was a problem with this, Eastman had a backup plan for Republicans in the House to vote Trump in easy peasy. 

Everything about Eastman’s plan was either plain wrong, immoral, or illegal—often all three. Eastman himself seemed to acknowledge as much when he told National Review that he was really just noodling around as part of a discussion for Trump’s legal team, that the plan wasn’t serious, and that “anybody who thinks that that’s a viable strategy is crazy.” 

Except that when he thought he was talking to Trump supporters, rather than the National Review, Eastman turned right around and agreed that his legal reasoning was “totally solid” and that the reason America still exists is because Pence was an “establishment Republican” with a “myopic view.”

This isn’t the first time Eastman defended his advice. Far from framing the plan as a thought experiment, Eastman’s memo to Trump actually argues that Pence can count the votes any way he wants. This, says Eastman, is based on “very solid legal authority, and historical precedent.” As for any member of Congress concerned about how Pence might be ignoring multiple states to give Trump a pseudo victory with a fraction of the vote, Eastman declares that “all the Members of Congress can do is watch,”

Speaking with reporters from who approached Eastman as faux fans, the Claremont attorney was happy to champion his plan. Rather than saying that it wasn’t viable, or that anyone would be crazy to take that advice, Eastman insisted that he had been proven right and that it was only the “beltway Republicans” who didn’t really get “the movement” that kept his plan from being implemented.

Eastman also referenced a story in The Atlantic that he claimed called on Kamala Harris to use the strategy that he had outlined to stop Trump from winning in 2024. What that article actually describes isn’t a Trump victory at the polls—it’s a “bloodless coup” in which statehouse Republicans and Trump-supporting state officials flood Washington with pro-Trump electors even in states where he clearly lost.

Even then, the article states that Harris’ role is primarily limited to rejecting invalid challenges, and makes it clear that there’s little she could do if Republicans at the state level refuse to do what Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and others did in 2020: follow the law instead of Trump. Raffensperger is being primaried by a Trump supporter who maintains that Trump “won” Georgia. Secretaries of state and election officials across the nation—even in states that Trump really did win—are finding themselves bullied, challenged, and threatened by Trump supporters who are running for office on the basis of handing Trump the victory no matter what those pesky voters do.

When it comes to the law, Eastman’s memo is ridiculous. So is the idea of sending pro-Trump slates to Washington in states where he lost the vote.

But ridiculous and illegal aren’t the same as impossible. Or even unlikely. Because Eastman is right about one thing: Mike Pence didn’t execute his plan because Pence, at least the 2020 Pence, was a old-school Republican in the sense that he believed the Constitution was slightly more than a rag to wipe his feet—though coming to that conclusion required a lot of thought on the part of Pence.

For 2024, Republicans are past all that.

According to The Washington Post, the House select committee on the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol is expected to subpoena John Eastman. It will be interesting to see how he defends his plan to them.

The "tourist season" was in full swing on Jan. 6 when Trump supporters came to town with pepper spray, baseball bats and a working gallows to pay "respectful homage" to the seat of our sacred democracy.  Lock these bastards up and throw away the keys!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

In congressional testimony, Dr. Birx says Trump's negligence likely led to 130,000 COVID-19 deaths

During interviews earlier this month with the House select subcommittee on the pandemic, Dr. Deborah Birx conceded that the Trump administration was “distracted” from its work on COVID-19 because of the election, and that the administration’s early failures likely led to as many as 130,000 unnecessary deaths.

The best thing you can say about Birx is that she didn’t want to turn the entire country into a giant McDonald’s Playland ball pit slathered in goopy pestilence like “Dr.” Scott Atlas, the guy who mesmerized Donald Trump with his “let’s murder millions of Americans and just get it over with” pandemic strategy.

While Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator under Trump, appears to have shaded the truth at times last year, she’s now free from the fetters of Führer Fuckup and can tell the truth—and she’s taking advantage.

The Washington Post:

Birx, who sat for interviews with the subcommittee on Oct. 12 and 13, also detailed advice that she said the White House ignored late last year, including more aggressively testing younger Americans, expanding access to virus treatments and better distributing vaccines in long-term care facilities.

More than 130,000 American lives could have been saved with swifter action and better coordinated public health messages after the virus’ first wave, Birx told lawmakers.

“I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30-percent less, to 40-percent less range,” Birx said.

I have some sympathy for Birx. I’ve had bosses who thought they knew everything but actually knew bupkis—but nothing can possibly compare to the bumblefuck bomb cyclone of chickenshit and flop sweat that is Donald John Trump. So Birx was almost certainly lying last March when she said this of Trump: “He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data. I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues.”

Uh, sure. The only time Trump is ever attentive to the “details and the data” is when he checks to make sure they didn’t short him on his McNugget order again. This is like hyping Mike Pence’s preternatural knack for scoring molly at Burning Man. Not believable, in other words.

So while Birx’s transparent “Trump-loves-the-details” bullshit undermined her credibility, at least she’s fessing up now that his capos can no longer get to her.

Birx also noted that Trump’s election-season push to pretend that he’d done a great job on the pandemic distracted him and his administration from actually addressing the crisis. “I felt like the White House had gotten somewhat complacent through the campaign season,” she told the subcommittee. She also stated that the election “just took people’s time away from and distracted them away from the pandemic, in my personal opinion.”

It’s nice to get confirmation on that from someone on the inside, but that was pretty fucking obvious when Trump said this during a campaign rally last October: “All you hear is COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. That’s all they put on, because they want to scare the hell out of everyone.”

He also insisted that the media were going to stop covering COVID-19 after the election, too, because the only reason they ever mentioned it was to make Trump look bad. As if he needed help.

Birx was also asked directly if Trump “did everything he could to try to mitigate the spread of the virus and save lives during the pandemic.” Her answer? A blunt, “No.”

Though that’s a little unfair. Obviously Trump’s suggestions of universally injecting bleach and irradiating our assholes with UV lights would have ended the pandemic in no time—and Scott Atlas would have been tickled pink. And Birx knows this! She was sitting right there when Trump suggested it, looking like a general practitioner whose patient just told her he saves money by doing home colonoscopies with a Polaroid camera and selfie stick.

Of course, once again, a Democrat was tasked with stating the obvious. “The Trump White House’s prioritization of election year politics over the pandemic response—even as cases surged last fall—is among the worst failures of leadership in American history,” said South Carolina Rep. James E. Clyburn, chair of the subcommittee.

That’s pretty apparent, but stating the obvious is by no means a given in Congress these days.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Two Jan. 6 rally organizers are talking, and congressional Republicans should be nervous

US Representative Lauren Boebert, Republican of Colorado, stands alongside US Representative Louie Gohmert (C), Republican of Texas, and US Representative Andy Biggs (R), Republican of Arizona, as they join members of the House Freedom Caucus to call on senior administration officials, including US President Joe Biden, to resign or be impeached over the handling of the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan, during a press conference outside of the US Capitol in Washington, DC August 31, 2021. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
Lauren Boebert, Louie Gohmert, and Andy Biggs - Is it time to show these traitors the door and throw away the key?

Several House Republicans—exactly the ones you would guess—were involved in planning meetings for protests on Jan. 6 as Trump supporters tried to block the certification of the 2020 election and with it, Donald Trump’s loss, two sources have detailed to Rolling Stone. Both sources are in contact with the House select committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol, and both, let’s be clear, are motivated to paint their own involvement in the most innocent and patriotic light possible. But they can still have valuable testimony, whatever the motivations.

The sources, identified as an organizer and a planner, say they participated in “dozens” of planning meetings, including some with the personal participation of or top staffers from the offices of Reps. Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, Mo Brooks, and Louie Gohmert. (See, I told you you could guess.) “We would talk to Boebert’s team, Cawthorn’s team, Gosar’s team like back to back to back to back,” the organizer told Rolling Stone. Both were in contact with Boebert and Gosar on Jan. 6 itself.

The meetings weren’t purely informational: At least one member of Congress was urging them to put on a protest. The two sources are subjects of an unrelated investigation that Gosar used as incentive to get them to plan the Ellipse protest, telling them that Trump would give them “blanket pardons.”

Our impression was that it was a done deal,” the organizer said, “that he’d spoken to the president about it in the Oval … in a meeting about pardons and that our names came up. They were working on submitting the paperwork and getting members of the House Freedom Caucus to sign on as a show of support.”

The sources insist that they were involved only in planning the rally at the Ellipse, with the intention of pressuring Congress from that relatively safe distance to overturn the election. They wanted to overturn the election—they just insist they didn’t think it would be violent.

”The breaking point for me [on Jan. 6 was when] Trump starts talking about walking to the Capitol,” said the organizer. “I was like, ‘Let’s get the fuck out of here.’”

The planner, too, pointed a finger at Trump, saying, “I do kind of feel abandoned by Trump.”

And both pointed to the role of Stop the Steal organizer Ali Alexander, who previously bragged about planning Jan. 6 events with the help of Biggs, Brooks, and Gosar. Alexander, the sources told Rolling Stone, had agreed to not hold his “Wild Protest” at the Capitol, leaving the Ellipse event as the major draw of the day. But then he went ahead with it anyway. “We ended up escalating that to everybody we could, including [then White House chief of staff Mark] Meadows,” the organizer said. But Meadows—who they say was more broadly involved in planning Jan. 6 events—apparently didn’t intervene to stop Alexander’s event.

A spokesman for Greene said her involvement was only in planning to object to the electoral certification in Congress, despite the fact that she was billed as a speaker at Alexander’s Wild Protest, as were Gosar and Boebert. Presumably all of the congressional Republicans will claim that they were only expecting a peaceful if spirited protest while they tried to overturn the results of a presidential election based entirely on conspiracy theories and sore loserdom. But despite the refusal of some on Team Trump, like Steve Bannon, to respond to the House select committee’s subpoenas, it sounds like the committee will be getting some valuable information about the planning process and the involvement of key Republicans.

Your average, everyday tourist enjoying a tour of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Cartoon: Fox News house of horror

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Monday, October 25, 2021

Yale professor and expert on authoritarianism says 2024 Trump coup is 'underway'

Aldous J Pennyfarthing for Community Contributors 

Team Community 

Saturday October 23, 2021 · 1:15 PM MDT  


Aldous J Pennyfarthing 

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Blue Country Gazette Blog

Rim Country Gazette Blog

If U.S. democracy falls this century, it will likely be at the hands of a stubby-fingered sack of extra-piquant donkey farts who likely never bothered to read the Constitution he swore to uphold—and certainly didn’t understand it if he did bother. In other words, we’re at the stage in the Siegfried & Roy show where the tiger starts picturing Roy as a semi-ambulant canned ham. 

Donald Trump is a buffoon, but he’s an evil buffoon, and it doesn’t actually take a smart man to demagogue against democracy. You simply need zero shame, a preternatural instinct for bullying, and a party full of Q-besotted quislings to go along with your rotten plans. 

On Friday’s episode of The Beat With Ari Melber, Yale history professor Timothy Snyder didn’t mince words when it came to the ominous, anti-democratic forces that are currently gathering to storm the gates of our venerable republic. 

 After Melber noted that several Big Lie proponents are running (with the backing of the ocher abomination) for secretary of state positions in several U.S. states—which would give them a great deal of control over the 2024 election in some key swing states—he had an unsettling talk with Snyder, an expert on authoritarianism and author of the book On Tyranny. 


ARI MELBER: “When you see this effort to put this much pressure on installing partisan officials who’ve embraced lies and tried to overturn elections in these official positions for next election, how concerned should we be? What, if any, foreign analogs do you see?” 

 TIMOTHY SNYDER: “Well, as someone who follows contemporary Russia, there is a Russian phrase that comes to mind, which is ‘the administrative resource.’ What the administrative resource means in Russian is that, sure, you have an election, but the people who are running the election are going to determine how the election turns out. What the Republicans are going for is precisely that thing—the administrative resource. 

Historically speaking, what we know about a big lie is that, because of its very scale, it’s not about truth or not-truth, it’s about living in a kind of alternative reality. And what we’re looking at is people who believe in or pretend to believe in this Big Lie actually carrying out our elections. And the problem with this, or one of them, is that, since these people have already claimed that the other side cheated, that basically legitimates their cheating. In other words, if you talk about the Big Lie now, you’re basically promising to cheat the next time around, and that’s very concerning.” Snyder has special insight into authoritarian regimes and movements, but anyone who watches sports also recognizes this tactic. It’s called “working the refs.” By complaining about every call, this theory goes, you’re more likely to get favorable treatment in the future. Now imagine if every Super Bowl was decided by referees who were handpicked by one side because they thought their team had been ripped off the previous year. 

MELBER: “How worried are you that the United States could face a situation where coordinated efforts by these kind of officials could actually swing an election?” 

SNYDER: “Oh, we don’t need the ‘could’ ... I mean, I would say we should be thinking of this as what is happening, and then ask ourselves what we can do to prevent it. I mean, it’s very clear that some combination of people who talk about the Big Lie being in important administrative posts, along with nonlegal or extralegal reviews of the election, perhaps along with states claiming for themselves the right to allocate electoral votes against the wishes of their own people. Some combination of that is clearly in the works, alongside voter suppression, which has a long and dark history in our country. 

The scenario for 2024, for most influential people around Donald Trump, which unfortunately means one of the political parties, is precisely to be installed without winning the election. That’s very consistent with everything Mr. Trump has ever said—in 2016, 2020, and now. So I don’t think it’s something that could happen; I think it’s something that’s underway, and the question is, can we accept this reality in time to take the measures we need to take to prevent it?” 

 It can be easy to forget that Donald Trump has been undermining confidence in our elections for at least six years. He claimed fraud in the election he won. He also tried to claim Texas Sen. Ted Cruz stole the Iowa Caucus from him. This is what he does. Part of it is just garden-variety childishness. His ego can’t sustain the kind of wound that comes with losing a presidential election. But he also appears to be plotting to rig the game ahead of time. The guy pulled out all the stops in the last election, and only the actions of a few brave election officials and secretaries of state saved us from a full-blown constitutional crisis. What if those people are sidelined next time around? 

And the potential problems aren’t simply at the secretary of state level. On Thursday, Talking Points Memo explored Michigan Republicans’ recent efforts to place Big Lie adherents on local boards of canvassers. 

For example, Robert Boyd, a new member of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, which certifies vote totals for the Detroit area, is still convinced the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. 

Talking Points Memo: 

 [Boyd is] one of several new members of such boards around the state, chosen by local Republican leaders, who are replacing incumbents who voted to certify the last election under immense, nationwide pressure from their party. The Detroit News first reported on the wave of replacements last week, including incumbents who wanted to be renominated but weren’t. 

 Unlike the canvasser he’s replacing, Boyd says he would not have certified the 2020 vote. Even now, after numerous local audits and a Republican-led state Senate investigation found no basis for Donald Trump’s lies about a stolen 2020 election, he remains unconvinced. 

 “That’s one side,” Boyd said of the investigation. “The other side, as I say, is thinking that there was some hanky panky going on.” 

Donald Trump doesn’t tell the truth for the simple reason that he doesn’t care about it. It’s irrelevant to his fantasy, in which he’s the greatest president, human, and sentient being in the history of the universe. He wants a rigged game, and he’s been greasing the skids for fascism by constantly accusing the other side of exactly what he’s doing. 

As Snyder warns, we need to wake up now, because democracy is on a razor’s edge, and the bleeding has already started.

Trump's Speech to Congress: Finally, Democrat hero emerges while Trump lies, lies, and lies some more

Rep. Al Green of Texas stands up to Trump.  This guy is intimidating enough to give Kash Patel a run for his money.                         ...